Abhinav Ramesh Kashyap
Abhinav Ramesh Kashyap
AI Scientist, ASUS AICS, Singapore
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Cited by
Bloom: A 176b-parameter open-access multilingual language model
T Le Scao, A Fan, C Akiki, E Pavlick, S Ilić, D Hesslow, R Castagné, ...
Domain Divergences: a Survey and Empirical Analysis
AR Kashyap, D Hazarika, MY Kan, R Zimmermann
NAACL, 2020
UDApter--Efficient Domain Adaptation Using Adapters
B Malik, AR Kashyap, MY Kan, S Poria
EACL 2023, 2023
So different yet so alike! constrained unsupervised text style transfer
AR Kashyap, D Hazarika, MY Kan, R Zimmermann, S Poria
ACL 2022, 2022
PULSAR: Pre-training with extracted healthcare terms for summarising patients' problems and data augmentation with black-box large language models
H Li, Y Wu, V Schlegel, R Batista-Navarro, TT Nguyen, AR Kashyap, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.02754, 2023
Pulsar at mediqa-sum 2023: Large language models augmented by synthetic dialogue convert patient dialogues to medical records
V Schlegel, H Li, Y Wu, A Subramanian, TT Nguyen, AR Kashyap, D Beck, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.02006, 2023
ADAPTERMIX: Exploring the Efficacy of Mixture of Adapters for Low-Resource TTS Adaptation
A Mehrish, AR Kashyap, L Yingting, N Majumder, S Poria
INTERSPEECH 2023, 2023
A Two-Stage Decoder for Efficient ICD Coding
TT Nguyen, V Schlegel, A Kashyap, S Winkler
ACL 2023, 2023
SciWING--A Software Toolkit for Scientific Document Processing
AR Kashyap, MY Kan
First Workshop on Scholarly Document Processing, 2020
Team: PULSAR at ProbSum 2023: PULSAR: Pre-training with extracted healthcare terms for summarising patients’ problems and data augmentation with black-box large language models
H Li, Y Wu, V Schlegel, RT Batista-Navarro, TT Nguyen, AR Kashyap, ...
The 22nd Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing and BioNLP …, 2023
Mimic-iv-icd: A new benchmark for extreme multilabel classification
TT Nguyen, V Schlegel, A Kashyap, S Winkler, SS Huang, JJ Liu, CJ Lin
arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.13998, 2023
A comprehensive survey of sentence representations: From the BERT epoch to the CHATGPT era and beyond
AR Kashyap, TT Nguyen, V Schlegel, S Winkler, SK Ng, S Poria
arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.12641, 2023
Analyzing the domain robustness of pretrained language models, layer by layer
AR Kashyap, L Mehnaz, B Malik, A Waheed, D Hazarika, MY Kan, R Shah
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Domain Adaptation for NLP, 222-244, 2021
Scientific document processing: challenges for modern learning methods
A Ramesh Kashyap, Y Yang, MY Kan
International Journal on Digital Libraries 24 (4), 283-309, 2023
Biases in Food Photo Taking Behavior
H Park, AR Kashyap, Z Wang, BY Lim
CHI 2018 Workshop: Designing Recipes for Digital Food Futures. Retrieved …, 2018
Beyond words: A comprehensive survey of sentence representations
AR Kashyap, TT Nguyen, V Schlegel, S Winkler, SK Ng, S Poria
arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.12641, 2023
CloseUp—A Community-Driven Live Online Search Engine
CV Der Weth, A Abdul, AR Kashyap, MS Kankanhalli
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT) 19 (3), 1-21, 2019
EPICURE-Aspect-based Multimodal Review Summarization
A Ramesh Kashyap, C von der Weth, Z Cheng, M Kankanhalli
Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Web Science, 365-369, 2018
M-QALM: A Benchmark to Assess Clinical Reading Comprehension and Knowledge Recall in Large Language Models via Question Answering
A Subramanian, V Schlegel, AR Kashyap, TT Nguyen, VP Dwivedi, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.03699, 2024
Lightweight contextual logical structure recovery
PW Huang, AR Kashyap, Y Qin, Y Yang, MY Kan
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Scholarly Document Processing, 37-48, 2022
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Articles 1–20