Liang Chen
Liang Chen
Associate Professor, Tsinghua University
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A meta-analysis of factors predicting cyberbullying perpetration and victimization: From the social cognitive and media effects approach
L Chen, SS Ho, MO Lwin
New media & society 19 (8), 1194-1213, 2017
Using EPPM to evaluate the effectiveness of fear appeal messages across Different Media Outlets to Increase the Intention of Breast Self-Examination among Chinese Women
L Chen, X Yang
Health Communication, 2018
Reducing harm from media: A meta-analysis of parental mediation
L Chen, J Shi
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 96 (1), 173-193, 2019
Science literacy or value predisposition? A meta-analysis of factors predicting public perceptions of benefits, risks, and acceptance of nuclear energy
SS Ho, AD Leong, J Looi, L Chen, N Pang, E Tandoc Jr
Environmental Communication 13 (4), 457-471, 2019
Nature and diffusion of gynecologic cancer–related misinformation on social media: analysis of tweets
L Chen, X Wang, TQ Peng
Journal of Medical Internet Research 20 (10), e11515, 2018
Comparing cyberbullying perpetration on social media between primary and secondary school students
SS Ho, L Chen, APY Ng
Computers & Education 109, 74-84, 2017
What makes cancer information viral on social media?
X Wang, L Chen, J Shi, TQ Peng
Computers in Human Behavior 93, 149-156, 2019
Personal and media factors related to citizens’ pro-environmental behavioral intention against haze in China: A moderating analysis of TPB
X Yang, L Chen, L Wei, Q Su
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (7), 2314, 2020
Social support on Weibo for people living with HIV/AIDS in China: a quantitative content analysis
J Shi, L Chen
Chinese Journal of Communication 7 (3), 285-298, 2014
Social Support Exchanges in a Social Media Community for People Living with HIV/AIDS in China
L Chen, J Shi
AIDS Care- Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV, 2014
Nature and Effectiveness of Online Social Support for Intercultural Adaptation of Mainland Chinese International Students
L Chen, X Yang
International Journal of Communication 9, 21, 2015
Development and validation of a parental social media mediation scale across child and parent samples
S Ho, MO Lwin, L Chen, M Chen
Internet Research 30 (2), 677-694, 2020
Who sets the agenda? The dynamic agenda setting of the wildlife issue on social media
X Wang, L Chen, J Shi, H Tang
Environmental Communication 17 (3), 245-262, 2023
Let's fight the infodemic: the third-person effect process of misinformation during public health emergencies
L Chen, L Fu
Internet Research, 2022
Parents' responses to cyberbullying effects: How third-person perception influences support for legislation and parental mediation strategies
SS Ho, MO Lwin, AZH Yee, JRH Sng, L Chen
Computers in Human Behavior 92, 373-380, 2019
Does media exposure relate to the illusion of knowing in the public understanding of climate change?
X Yang, L Chen, SS Ho
Public Understanding of Science 29 (1), 94-111, 2020
Using the extended parallel process model to examine the nature and impact of breast cancer prevention information on mobile-based social media: content analysis
L Chen, X Yang, L Fu, X Liu, C Yuan
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 7 (6), e13987, 2019
Social support seeking on social media among Chinese homosexual men living with HIV/AIDS: The role of perceived threat. Telemedicine and e-Health
L Chen, Y Guo, J Shi
Telemedicine & E-health, 2018
After Fukushima: How do news media impact Japanese public’s risk perception and anxiety regarding nuclear radiation
Y Guo, Y Li, L Chen
Environmental Communication 14 (1), 97-111, 2020
Agenda-setting on traditional vs social media: An analysis of haze-related content grounded in the extended parallel process model
L Chen, J Shi, Y Guo, P Wang, Y Li
Internet Research 29 (4), 688-703, 2019
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Articles 1–20