Pietro Bonfanti
Pietro Bonfanti
Tecnologo - Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Osservatorio Etneo
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The episodic and abrupt geochemical changes at La Fossa fumaroles (Vulcano Island, Italy) and related constraints on the dynamics, structure, and compositions of the magmatic …
A Paonita, C Federico, P Bonfanti, G Capasso, S Inguaggiato, F Italiano, ...
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta 120, 158-178, 2013
Helium and carbon isotopes in the dissolved gases of Friuli region (NE Italy): geochemical evidence of CO2 production and degassing over a seismically active area
F Italiano, P Bonfanti, M Ditta, R Petrini, F Slejko
Chemical Geology 266 (1-2), 76-85, 2009
Evaluation of the environmental impact of volcanic emissions from the chemistry of rainwater: Mount Etna area (Sicily)
A Aiuppa, P Bonfanti, L Brusca, W D’alessandro, C Federico, F Parello
Applied Geochemistry 16 (7-8), 985-1000, 2001
Geochemistry of fluids discharged over the seismic area of the Southern Apennines (Calabria region, Southern Italy): Implications for Fluid-Fault relationships
F Italiano, P Bonfanti, L Pizzino, F Quattrocchi
Applied Geochemistry 25 (4), 540-554, 2010
Evidence of CO2-gas emission variations in the central Apennines (Italy) during the L'Aquila seismic sequence (March-April 2009).
P Bonfanti, N Genzano, J Heinicke, F Italiano, G Martinelli, N Pergola, ...
Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata 53 (1), 2012
Medium-term anomalies in groundwater temperature before 1991–1993 Mt. Etna eruption
P Bonfanti, W D'Alessandro, G Dongarrą, F Parello, M Valenza
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 73 (3-4), 303-308, 1996
Rainwater chemistry at Mt. Etna (Italy): natural and anthropogenic sources of major ions
A Aiuppa, P Bonfanti, W d'Alessandro
Journal of atmospheric chemistry 46, 89-102, 2003
Cluster analysis of soil CO2 data from Mt. Etna (Italy) reveals volcanic influences on temporal and spatial patterns of degassing
S Giammanco, P Bonfanti
Bulletin of volcanology 71 (2), 201-218, 2009
Nitrate, sulphate and chloride contents in public drinking water supplies in Sicily, Italy
W D’Alessandro, S Bellomo, F Parello, P Bonfanti, L Brusca, M Longo, ...
Environmental monitoring and assessment 184, 2845-2855, 2012
Long-term (1997-2007) geochemical monitoring of gases from the Umbria-Marche region
F Italiano, G Martinelli, P Bonfanti, A Caracausi
Tectonophysics 476 (1-2), 282-296, 2009
Coupling geochemical and geophysical signatures to constrain strain changes along thrust faults
R Petrini, F Italiano, A Riggio, FF Slejko, M Santulin, A Buccianti, ...
Intense overpressurization at basaltic open-conduit volcanoes as inferred by geochemical signals: The case of the Mt. Etna December 2018 eruption
A Paonita, M Liuzzo, G Salerno, C Federico, P Bonfanti, A Caracausi, ...
Science Advances 7 (36), eabg6297, 2021
Salinity variations in the water resources fed by the Etnean volcanic aquifers (Sicily, Italy): natural vs. anthropogenic causes
W D’Alessandro, S Bellomo, P Bonfanti, L Brusca, M Longo
Environmental monitoring and assessment 173, 431-446, 2011
Subsurface gases in selected sites of the Mount Etna area (Sicily)
F Parello, W D'alessandro, P Bonfanti, G Dongarrą
Acta Vulcanologica 7 (1), 35-42, 1995
Mt. Etna eruption 1991-93: geochemical anomalies in groundwaters P. Bonfanti", W. D'Alessandro", G. Dongarrą", F. Parello", M. Valenza"
P Bonfanti
Acta Vulcanologica 8 (1), 107-109, 1996
Progress in hydrogeochemistry surveying
G Dongarrą, V Gottini, M Valenza, P Bonfanti
Acta Vulcanol 3, 318-321, 1993
Hydrological versus volcanic processes affecting fluid circulation at Mt. Etna: inferences from 10 years of observations at the volcanic aquifer
C Federico, M Longo, W D'Alessandro, S Bellomo, P Bonfanti, L Brusca
Chemical Geology 452, 71-84, 2017
Earthquake of December 13, 1990 in eastern Sicily: Some geochemical investigations
P Bonfanti, ML Carapezza, W D'Alessandro, R Domenico, IS Diliberto, ...
Scientific meeting on the Seismic Protection: Proceedings, 176-84, 1993
Radon on Mt. Etna (Italy): a useful tracer of geodynamic processes and a potential health hazard to populations
S Giammanco, P Bonfanti, M Neri
Frontiers in Earth Science 11, 1176051, 2023
Evidence of Tectonic Control on the Geochemical Features of the Volatiles Vented along the Nebrodi‐Peloritani Mts (Southern Apennine Chain, Italy)
F Italiano, P Bonfanti, SR Maugeri
Geofluids 2019 (1), 6250393, 2019
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