Smith-Doerr, Laurel
Smith-Doerr, Laurel
Professor of Sociology, UMass Amherst
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Cited by
Interorganizational collaboration and the locus of innovation: Networks of learning in biotechnology
WW Powell, KW Koput, L Smith-Doerr
Administrative science quarterly, 116-145, 1996
Networks and economic life
WW Powell, L Smith-Doerr
The handbook of economic sociology 368, 380, 1994
The spatial clustering of science and capital: Accounting for biotech firm-venture capital relationships
WW Powell, KW Koput, JI Bowie, L Smith-Doerr
Regional Studies 36 (3), 291-305, 2002
17 Networks and Economic Life
L Smith-Doerr, WW Powell
The handbook of economic sociology, 379, 2010
Network position and firm performance: Organizational returns to collaboration in the biotechnology industry
WW Powell, KW Koput, L Smith-Doerr, J Owen-Smith
Research in the Sociology of Organizations 16 (1), 129-159, 1999
Gender diversity leads to better science
MW Nielsen, S Alegria, L Börjeson, H Etzkowitz, HJ Falk-Krzesinski, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (8), 1740-1742, 2017
The handbook of science and technology studies
U Felt, R Fouché, CA Miller, L Smith-Doerr
Mit Press, 2016
Gender and commercial science: Women’s patenting in the life sciences
KB Whittington, L Smith-Doerr
The Journal of Technology Transfer 30 (4), 355-370, 2005
Women inventors in context: Disparities in patenting across academia and industry
KB Whittington, L Smith-Doerr
Gender & Society 22 (2), 194-218, 2008
Women's work: Gender equality vs. hierarchy in the life sciences
L Smith-Doerr
Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2004
Toward a sociology of artificial intelligence: A call for research on inequalities and structural change
K Joyce, L Smith-Doerr, S Alegria, S Bell, T Cruz, SG Hoffman, SU Noble, ...
Socius 7, 2378023121999581, 2021
How diversity matters in the US science and engineering workforce: A critical review considering integration in teams, fields, and organizational contexts
L Smith-Doerr, SN Alegria, T Sacco
Engaging Science, Technology, and Society 3, 139-153, 2017
The meaning of success: network position and the social construction of project outcomes in an R&D lab
L Smith-Doerr, IM Manev, P Rizova
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 21 (1-2), 51-81, 2004
Flexibility and fairness: Effects of the network form of organization on gender equity in life science careers
L Smith-Doerr
Sociological Perspectives 47 (1), 25-54, 2004
Investigating interdisciplinary collaboration: theory and practice across disciplines
H Nowotny, GJ Downey, NW Feinstein, D McBee, E Leahey, DL Kleinman, ...
Rutgers University Press, 2016
Networks and Economic Life. The Handbook of Economic Sociology
WW Powell, L Smith-Doerr
Russel Sage, 1994
Institutionalizing the network form: How life scientists legitimate work in the biotechnology industry
L Smith-Doerr
Sociological Forum 20, 271-299, 2005
Organizational contexts of science: Boundaries and relationships between university and industry
JL Croissant, L Smith-Doerr
The handbook of science and technology studies, 691-718, 2008
The social and epistemic organization of scientific work
EJ Hackett, JN Parker, N Vermeulen, B Penders
The handbook of science and technology studies, 733-764, 2017
Collaboration and gender equity among academic scientists
J Misra, L Smith-Doerr, N Dasgupta, G Weaver, J Normanly
Social sciences 6 (1), 25, 2017
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Articles 1–20