Yong Zhou
Yong Zhou
在 kaust.edu.sa 的电子邮件经过验证
Two gap-free reference genomes and a global view of the centromere architecture in rice
JM Song, WZ Xie, S Wang, YX Guo, DH Koo, D Kudrna, C Gong, Y Huang, ...
Molecular plant 14 (10), 1757-1767, 2021
A platinum standard pan-genome resource that represents the population structure of Asian rice
Y Zhou, D Chebotarov, D Kudrna, V Llaca, S Lee, S Rajasekar, ...
Scientific data 7 (1), 113, 2020
Genome-wide association study for pre-harvest sprouting resistance in a large germplasm collection of Chinese wheat landraces
Y Zhou, H Tang, MP Cheng, KO Dankwa, ZX Chen, ZY Li, S Gao, YX Liu, ...
Frontiers in plant science 8, 401, 2017
Plant evolution and environmental adaptation unveiled by long-read whole-genome sequencing of Spirodela
D An, Y Zhou, C Li, Q Xiao, T Wang, Y Zhang, Y Wu, Y Li, DY Chao, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (38), 18893-18899, 2019
Uncovering the dispersion history, adaptive evolution and selection of wheat in China
Y Zhou, Z Chen, M Cheng, J Chen, T Zhu, R Wang, Y Liu, P Qi, G Chen, ...
Plant Biotechnology Journal 16 (1), 280-291, 2018
Myb10D confers PHS3D resistance to preharvest sprouting by regulating NCED in ABA biosynthesis pathway of wheat
J Lang, Y Fu, Y Zhou, M Cheng, M Deng, M Li, T Zhu, J Yang, X Guo, ...
New Phytologist 230 (5), 1940-1952, 2021
Genome-wide analysis of the plant-specific PLATZ proteins in maize and identification of their general role in interaction with RNA polymerase III complex
J Wang, C Ji, Q Li, Y Zhou, Y Wu
BMC plant biology 18, 1-12, 2018
Long-read sequencing reveals genomic structural variations that underlie creation of quality protein maize
C Li, X Xiang, Y Huang, Y Zhou, D An, J Dong, C Zhao, H Liu, Y Li, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 17, 2020
Genomes and transcriptomes of duckweeds
D An, C Li, Y Zhou, Y Wu, W Wang
Frontiers in chemistry 6, 230, 2018
Pan-genome inversion index reveals evolutionary insights into the subpopulation structure of Asian rice
Y Zhou, Z Yu, D Chebotarov, K Chougule, Z Lu, LF Rivera, N Kathiresan, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 1567, 2023
Rice Gene Index: a comprehensive pan-genome database for comparative and functional genomics of Asian rice
Z Yu, Y Chen, Y Zhou, Y Zhang, M Li, Y Ouyang, D Chebotarov, ...
Molecular plant 16 (5), 798-801, 2023
EMB-7L is required for embryogenesis and plant development in maize involved in RNA splicing of multiple chloroplast genes
N Yuan, J Wang, Y Zhou, D An, Q Xiao, W Wang, Y Wu
Plant science 287, 110203, 2019
Conferring resistance to pre-harvest sprouting in durum wheat by a QTL identified in Triticum spelta
Y Liu, Y Liu, Y Zhou, C Wight, Z Pu, P Qi, Q Jiang, M Deng, Z Wang, Y Wei, ...
Euphytica 213, 1-10, 2017
Isoform sequencing provides insight into natural genetic diversity in maize
Y Zhou, Z Zhao, Z Zhang, M Fu, Y Wu, W Wang
Plant Biotechnology Journal 17 (8), 1473, 2019
A platinum standard pan‑genome resource that represents the population structure of Asian rice. Sci Data 7: 113
Y Zhou, D Chebotarov, D Kudrna, V Llaca, S Lee, S Rajasekar, ...
Unlocking the relationships among population structure, plant architecture, growing season, and environmental adaptation in Henan wheat cultivars
J Yang, Y Zhou, W Hu, Y Zhang, Y Zhou, Y Chen, X Wang, H Zhao, T Cao, ...
BMC plant biology 20, 1-14, 2020
A high-performance computational workflow to accelerate GATK SNP detection across a 25-genome dataset
Y Zhou, N Kathiresan, Z Yu, LF Rivera, Y Yang, M Thimma, K Manickam, ...
BMC biology 22 (1), 13, 2024
Pan-genome inversion index reveals evolutionary insights into the subpopulation structure of Asian rice (Oryza sativa)
Y Zhou, Z Yu, D Chebotarov, K Chougule, Z Lu, LF Rivera, N Kathiresan, ...
bioRxiv, 2022.06. 11.495682, 2022
Genetic Variation of the Serine Acetyltransferase Gene Family for Sulfur Assimilation in Maize
Z Zhao, S Li, C Ji, Y Zhou, C Li, W Wang
Genes 12 (3), 437, 2021
Twelve Platinum-Standard reference genomes sequences (PSRefSeq) that complete the full range of genetic diversity of asian rice
Y Zhou, D Chebotarov, D Kudrna, V Llaca, S Lee, S Rajasekar, ...
bioRxiv, 2019.12. 29.888347, 2019
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