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Identification of a Common Non-Apoptotic Cell Death Mechanism in Hereditary Retinal Degeneration
PDF Arango-Gonzalez B, Trifunović D, Sahaboglu A, Kranz K, Michalakis S ...
Plos ONE 9 (11), 2014
Spectral domain optical coherence tomography in mouse models of retinal degeneration
FMD 10.Huber G, Beck SC, Grimm C, Sahaboglu-Tekgoz, A, Paquet-Durand F ...
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 50 (12), 5888-5995, 2009
Excessive HDAC activation is critical for neurodegeneration in the rd1 mouse
J Sancho-Pelluz, MV Alavi, A Sahaboglu, S Kustermann, P Farinelli, ...
Cell death & disease 1 (2), e24-e24, 2010
Combination of cGMP analogue and drug delivery system provides functional protection in hereditary retinal degeneration
E Vighi, D Trifunović, P Veiga-Crespo, A Rentsch, D Hoffmann, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (13), E2997-E3006, 2018
Calpain and PARP activation during photoreceptor cell death in P23H and S334ter rhodopsin mutant rats
J Kaur, S Mencl, A Sahaboglu, P Farinelli, T van Veen, E Zrenner, ...
PloS one 6 (7), e22181, 2011
Protective effects of various antioxidants during ischemia-reperfusion in the rat retina
N Dilsiz, A Sahaboglu, MZ Yıldız, A Reichenbach
Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 244, 627-633, 2006
Inhibition of mitochondrial pyruvate transport by zaprinast causes massive accumulation of aspartate at the expense of glutamate in the retina
J Du, WM Cleghorn, L Contreras, K Lindsay, AM Rountree, AO Chertov, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 288 (50), 36129-36140, 2013
Neuroprotective strategies for the treatment of inherited photoreceptor degeneration
D Trifunovic, A Sahaboglu, J Kaur, S Mencl, E Zrenner, M Ueffing, ...
Current molecular medicine 12 (5), 598-612, 2012
PARP1 gene knock-out increases resistance to retinal degeneration without affecting retinal function
A Sahaboglu, N Tanimoto, J Kaur, J Sancho-Pelluz, G Huber, E Fahl, ...
PloS one 5 (11), e15495, 2010
Retinitis pigmentosa: rapid neurodegeneration is governed by slow cell death mechanisms
A Sahaboglu, O Paquet-Durand, J Dietter, K Dengler, S Bernhard-Kurz, ...
Cell death & disease 4 (2), e488-e488, 2013
Retinitis pigmentosa: impact of different Pde6a point mutations on the disease phenotype
V Sothilingam, M Garcia Garrido, K Jiao, E Buena-Atienza, A Sahaboglu, ...
Human molecular genetics 24 (19), 5486-5499, 2015
Olaparib significantly delays photoreceptor loss in a model for hereditary retinal degeneration
A Sahaboglu, M Barth, E Secer, EM Amo, A Urtti, Y Arsenijevic, E Zrenner, ...
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 39537, 2016
Organotypic retinal explant cultures as in vitro alternative for diabetic retinopathy studies
J Valdés, L Trachsel-Moncho, A Sahaboglu, D Trifunović, M Miranda, ...
ALTEX-Alternatives to animal experimentation 33 (4), 459-464, 2016
HDAC inhibition in the cpfl1 mouse protects degenerating cone photoreceptors in vivo
D Trifunović, B Arango-Gonzalez, A Comitato, M Barth, EM Del Amo, ...
Human molecular genetics 25 (20), 4462-4472, 2016
Poly ADP ribosylation and extracellular vesicle activity in rod photoreceptor degeneration
L Vidal-Gil, J Sancho-Pelluz, E Zrenner, M Oltra, A Sahaboglu
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 3758, 2019
Temporal progression of PARP activity in the Prph2 mutant rd2 mouse: Neuroprotective effects of the PARP inhibitor PJ34
A Sahaboglu, A Sharif, L Feng, E Secer, E Zrenner, F Paquet-Durand
PLoS One 12 (7), e0181374, 2017
Efficacy of PARP inhibition in Pde6a mutant mouse models for retinitis pigmentosa depends on the quality and composition of individual human mutations
K Jiao, A Sahaboglu, E Zrenner, M Ueffing, PAR Ekström, ...
Cell death discovery 2 (1), 1-9, 2016
Drug repurposing studies of PARP inhibitors as a new therapy for inherited retinal degeneration
A Sahaboglu, M Miranda, D Canjuga, M Avci-Adali, N Savytska, E Secer, ...
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 77, 2199-2216, 2020
Knockout of PARG110 confers resistance to cGMP-induced toxicity in mammalian photoreceptors
A Sahaboglu, N Tanimoto, S Bolz, MG Garrido, M Ueffing, MW Seeliger, ...
Cell death & disease 5 (5), e1234-e1234, 2014
Release of retinal extracellular vesicles in a model of retinitis pigmentosa
A Sahaboglu, L Vidal-Gil, J Sancho-Pelluz
Retinal Degenerative Diseases: Mechanisms and Experimental Therapy, 431-436, 2019
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