Prasad Yadav
Prasad Yadav
Postdoctoral fellow at Nanyang Technological University
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Recycling of cathode from spent lithium iron phosphate batteries
P Yadav, CJ Jie, S Tan, M Srinivasan
Journal of Hazardous Materials 399, 123068, 2020
Hollow Co0.85Se Nanowire Array on Carbon Fiber Paper for High Rate Pseudocapacitor
A Banerjee, S Bhatnagar, KK Upadhyay, P Yadav, S Ogale
ACS applied materials & interfaces 6 (21), 18844-18852, 2014
Oligomer-salt derived 3D, heavily nitrogen doped, porous carbon for Li-ion hybrid electrochemical capacitors application
R Gokhale, V Aravindan, P Yadav, S Jain, D Phase, S Madhavi, S Ogale
Carbon 80, 462-471, 2014
Single-layer graphene-assembled 3D porous carbon composites with PVA and Fe 3 O 4 nano-fillers: an interface-mediated superior dielectric and EMI shielding performance
BVB Rao, P Yadav, R Aepuru, HS Panda, S Ogale, SN Kale
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (28), 18353-18363, 2015
A 3D Hexaporous Carbon Assembled from Single‐Layer Graphene as High Performance Supercapacitor
P Yadav, A Banerjee, S Unni, J Jog, S Kurungot, S Ogale
ChemSusChem 5 (11), 2159-2164, 2012
Magnetite/CdTe magnetic–fluorescent composite nanosystem for magnetic separation and bio-imaging
A Kale, S Kale, P Yadav, H Gholap, R Pasricha, JP Jog, B Lefez, ...
Nanotechnology 22 (22), 225101, 2011
CdTe–TiO2 nanocomposite: an impeder of bacterial growth and biofilm
H Gholap, R Patil, P Yadav, A Banpurkar, S Ogale, W Gade
Nanotechnology 24 (19), 195101, 2013
Pulse radiolysis: Pune University LINAC facility
P Yadav, MS Kulkarni, MB Shirdhonkar, BSM Rao
Current Science, 599-605, 2007
Catalyst free novel synthesis of graphene and its application in high current OFET and phototransistor based on P3HT/G composite
P Yadav, C Chanmal, A Basu, L Mandal, J Jog, S Ogale
RSC Advances 3 (39), 18049-18054, 2013
Nanoparticle-loaded multifunctional natural seed gel-bits for efficient water purification
M Biswal, K Bhardwaj, PK Singh, P Singh, P Yadav, A Prabhune, C Rode, ...
RSC advances 3 (7), 2288-2295, 2013
A comparative evaluation of differently synthesized high surface area carbons for Li-ion hybrid electrochemical supercapacitor application: Pore size distribution holds the key
A Suryawanshi, M Biswal, D Mhamane, P Yadav, A Banerjee, P Yadav, ...
Applied Materials Today 2, 1-6, 2016
From Alcohols to Sugars How Does the Reactivity of α-Hydroxyalkyl Radicals Change with Structure? A Quantitative Examination by Pulse Radiolysis
P Yadav, BS Madhava Rao, SN Batchelor, P O'Neill
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 109 (10), 2039-2042, 2005
Carbon nanoscrolls by pyrolysis of a polymer
P Yadav, S Warule, J Jog, S Ogale
Solid state communications 152 (23), 2092-2095, 2012
Effect of sintering temperature on electronic properties of nanocrystalline La0. 7Sr0. 3MnO3
SS Kekade, PA Yadav, BR Thombare, PR Dusane, DM Phase, ...
Materials Research Express 6 (9), 096108, 2019
Cultural environment and international business
P Shah, P Yadav
International Journal of Research in Management and Business Studies 1 (2), 37, 2014
Spacers Promote Lymphatic Transport, Avoid First-Pass Metabolism, and Enhance Oral Bioavailability
L Hu, T Quach, S Han, SF Lim, P Yadav, D Senyschyn, NL Trevaskis, ...
Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 55, 13700-13705, 2016
Redox chemistry ofo- andm-hydroxycinnamic acids: A pulse radiolysis study
P Yadav, H Mohan, BSM Rao, JP Mittal
Journal of Chemical Sciences 114, 721-730, 2002
Controlling Stoichiometry in Low Temperature Synthesis of La0. 7Sr0. 3MnO3 Nanoparticles
A Azarifar, PA Yadav, AK Chawla, JP Jog, SI Patil, R Chandra, SB Ogale
Advanced Science Letters 4 (2), 424-430, 2011
An Investigation of High-Z Material for Bolus in Electron Beam Therapy
IJ Das, SN Lim, ED Donnelly, BB Mittal, P Yadav
International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics 117 (2), e658-e659, 2023
Survivorship Therapy After Radiotherapy for Head/Neck Cancer: Opportunities for Growth (STRONG)
A Larson, Y Ma, J Kingsbury, KO Stepan, A Akhtar, LJ Mady, P Yadav, ...
International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics 120 (2), e377, 2024
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