Ervin Poljac
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Cited by
Reduced accuracy and sensitivity in the perception of emotional facial expressions in individuals with high autism spectrum traits
E Poljac, E Poljac, J Wagemans
Autism 17 (6), 668-680, 2013
Impaired task switching performance in children with dyslexia but not in children with autism
E Poljac, S Simon, L Ringlever, D Kalcik, WB Groen, JK Buitelaar, ...
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 63 (2), 401-416, 2010
Reduced recognition of fear and sadness in post-traumatic stress disorder
E Poljac, B Montagne, EHF de Haan
Cortex 47 (8), 974-980, 2011
Perceptual wholes can reduce the conscious accessibility of their parts
E Poljac, L de-Wit, J Wagemans
Cognition 123 (2), 308-312, 2012
Dissociating restart cost and mixing cost in task switching
E Poljac, I Koch, H Bekkering
Psychological Research PRPF 73, 407-416, 2009
Dissociable neural correlates of intention and action preparation in voluntary task switching
E Poljac, N Yeung
Cerebral cortex 24 (2), 465-478, 2014
A review of intentional and cognitive control in autism
E Poljac, H Bekkering
Frontiers in psychology 3, 436, 2012
Understanding behavioural rigidity in autism spectrum conditions: The role of intentional control
E Poljac, V Hoofs, MM Princen, E Poljac
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 47, 714-727, 2017
Representation of heading direction in far and near head space
E Poljac, AV Van Den Berg
Experimental brain research 151 (4), 501-513, 2003
Cognitive control of intentions for voluntary actions in individuals with a high level of autistic traits
E Poljac, E Poljac, N Yeung
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 42, 2523-2533, 2012
Understanding the flexibility of action–perception coupling
E Poljac, HT van Schie, H Bekkering
Psychological Research PRPF 73, 578-586, 2009
Binary sensitivity of theta activity for gain and loss when monitoring parametric prediction errors
DJC Janssen, E Poljac, H Bekkering
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 11 (8), 1280-1289, 2016
Toward targeted ECT: the interdependence of predictors of treatment response in depression further explained
L Van Diermen, E Poljac, R Van der Mast, K Plasmans, ...
The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 82 (1), 15104, 2020
Current task activation predicts general effects of advance preparation in task switching
E Poljac, A Haan, GP Galen
Experimental Psychology 53 (4), 260-267, 2006
Between-task competition for intentions and actions
RS Millington, E Poljac, N Yeung
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 66 (8), 1504-1516, 2013
Collision judgment of objects approaching the head
E Poljac, B Neggers, AV Berg
Experimental Brain Research 171 (1), 35-46, 2006
Perceptual compensation for eye torsion
E Poljac, MJM Lankheet, AV Van Den Berg
Vision Research 45 (4), 485-496, 2005
Modality compatibility biases voluntary choice of response modality in task switching
E Fintor, E Poljac, DN Stephan, I Koch
Psychological research 84 (2), 380-388, 2020
Task switching in autism: an EEG study on intentions and actions
V Hoofs, MM Princen, E Poljac, A Stolk, E Poljac
Neuropsychologia 117, 398-407, 2018
Predictability of action sub-steps modulates motor system activation during the observation of goal-directed actions
R Braukmann, H Bekkering, M Hidding, E Poljac, JK Buitelaar, S Hunnius
Neuropsychologia 103, 44-53, 2017
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Articles 1–20