Kenneth H. Karlsen
Cited by
Cited by
Splitting methods for partial differential equations with rough solutions: Analysis and MATLAB programs
H Holden
European Mathematical Society, 2010
On the well-posedness of the Degasperis–Procesi equation
GM Coclite, KH Karlsen
Journal of Functional Analysis 233 (1), 60-91, 2006
A Theory of L 1-Dissipative Solvers for Scalar Conservation Laws with Discontinuous Flux
B Andreianov, KH Karlsen, NH Risebro
Archive for rational mechanics and analysis 201, 27-86, 2011
L¹ stability for entropy solutions of nonlinear degenerate parabolic convection-diffusion equations with discontinuous coefficients
KH Karlsen, NH Risebro, JD Towers
Preprint series. Pure mathematics http://urn. nb. no/URN: NBN: no-8076, 2003
Strongly degenerate parabolic-hyperbolic systems modeling polydisperse sedimentation with compression
EM Tory, KH Karlsen, R Bürger, S Berres
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 64 (1), 41-80, 2003
On the uniqueness and stability of entropy solutions of nonlinear degenerate parabolic equations with rough coefficients
KH Karlsen, NH Risebro
Department of Mathematics, University of Bergen, 2000
Global weak solutions to a generalized hyperelastic-rod wave equation
GM Coclite, H Holden, KH Karlsen
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 37 (4), 1044-1069, 2005
Convergence of the Lax-Friedrichs scheme and stability for conservation laws with a discontinuous space-time dependent flux
KH Karlsen, JD Towers
Chinese Annals of Mathematics 25 (03), 287-318, 2004
A model of continuous sedimentation of flocculated suspensions in clarifier-thickener units
R Bürger, KH Karlsen, JD Towers
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 65 (3), 882-940, 2005
Well-posedness in BV t and convergence of a difference scheme for continuous sedimentation in ideal clarifier-thickener units
R Bürger, KH Karlsen, NH Risebro, JD Towers
Numerische Mathematik 97, 25-65, 2004
Upwind difference approximations for degenerate parabolic convection–diffusion equations with a discontinuous coefficient
KH Karlsen, NH Risebro, JD Towers
IMA journal of numerical analysis 22 (4), 623-664, 2002
Monotone Difference Approximations Of BV Solutions To Degenerate Convection-Diffusion Equations
S Evje, KH Karlsen
SIAM journal on numerical analysis 37 (6), 1838-1860, 2000
An Engquist–Osher-type scheme for conservation laws with discontinuous flux adapted to flux connections
R Bürger, KH Karlsen, JD Towers
SIAM Journal on numerical analysis 47 (3), 1684-1712, 2009
Optimal portfolio selection with consumption and nonlinear integro-differential equations with gradient constraint: a viscosity solution approach
FE Benth, KH Karlsen, K Reikvam
Finance and Stochastics 5, 275-303, 2001
Wellposedness for a parabolic-elliptic system
GM Coclite, H Holden, KH Karlsen
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 13 (3), 659, 2005
A “maximum principle for semicontinuous functions” applicable to integro-partial differential equations
ER Jakobsen, KH Karlsen
Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications NoDEA 13, 137-165, 2006
A family of numerical schemes for kinematic flows with discontinuous flux
R Bürger, A García, KH Karlsen, JD Towers
Journal of Engineering Mathematics 60, 387-425, 2008
Numerical solution of reservoir flow models based on large time step operator splitting algorithms: CIME lecture notes
M Espedal, A Fasano, A Mikelić, MS Espedal, KH Karlsen
Filtration in Porous Media and Industrial Application: Lectures given at the …, 2000
Analysis of a class of degenerate reaction-diffusion systems and the bidomain model of cardiac tissue
M Bendahmane, KH Karlsen
Networks and heterogeneous media 1 (1), 185-218, 2006
Continuous dependence estimates for viscosity solutions of integro-PDEs
ER Jakobsen, KH Karlsen
Journal of Differential Equations 212 (2), 278-318, 2005
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Articles 1–20