Yang Li
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Cited by
50 Years of quantum chromodynamics: Introduction and Review
F Gross, E Klempt, SJ Brodsky, AJ Buras, VD Burkert, G Heinrich, ...
The European Physical Journal C 83 (12), 1125, 2023
Weak measurements beyond the Aharonov-Albert-Vaidman formalism
S Wu, Y Li
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 83 (5), 052106, 2011
Heavy Quarkonium in a Holographic Basis
Y Li, P Maris, X Zhao, JP Vary
Physics Letters B 758 (10), 118-124, 2015
Quarkonium as a relativistic bound state on the light front
Y Li, P Maris, JP Vary
Physical Review D 96 (1), 016022, 2017
Basis light-front quantization approach to positronium
P Wiecki, Y Li, X Zhao, P Maris, JP Vary
Physical Review D 91 (10), 105009, 2015
Proton structure from a light-front Hamiltonian
C Mondal, S Xu, J Lan, X Zhao, Y Li, D Chakrabarti, JP Vary, ...
Physical Review D 102 (1), 016008, 2020
Nucleon structure from basis light-front quantization
S Xu, C Mondal, J Lan, X Zhao, Y Li, JP Vary, (BLFQ Collaboration)
Physical Review D 104 (9), 094036, 2021
mesons and their properties on the light front
S Tang, Y Li, P Maris, JP Vary
Physical Review D 98 (11), 114038, 2018
Heavy-light mesons on the light front
S Tang, Y Li, P Maris, JP Vary
The European Physical Journal C 80 (6), 522, 2020
Radiative transitions between and heavy quarkonia on the light front
M Li, Y Li, P Maris, JP Vary
Physical Review D 98 (3), 034024, 2018
Parton distribution functions of heavy mesons on the light front
J Lan, C Mondal, M Li, Y Li, S Tang, X Zhao, JP Vary, ...
Physical Review D 102 (1), 014020, 2020
Light mesons within the basis light-front quantization framework
W Qian, S Jia, Y Li, JP Vary
Physical Review C 102 (5), 055207, 2020
Ab initio approach to the non-perturbative scalar Yukawa model
Y Li, VA Karmanov, P Maris, JP Vary
Physics Letters B 748, 278-283, 2015
Diffractive charmonium spectrum in high energy collisions in the basis light-front quantization approach
G Chen, Y Li, P Maris, K Tuchin, JP Vary
Physics Letters B 769, 477-484, 2017
Bound state calculations in QED and QCD using basis light-front quantization
P Maris, P Wiecki, Y Li, X Zhao, JP Vary
Acta Phys. Polon. Supp 6, 321, 2013
Light-front holography with chiral symmetry breaking
Y Li, JP Vary
Physics Letters B 825, 136860, 2022
Form factors and generalized parton distributions of heavy quarkonia in basis light front quantization
L Adhikari, Y Li, M Li, JP Vary
Physical Review C 99 (3), 035208, 2019
Ultrarelativistic quark-nucleus scattering in a light-front Hamiltonian approach
M Li, X Zhao, P Maris, G Chen, Y Li, K Tuchin, JP Vary
Physical Review D 101 (7), 076016, 2020
Form factors and generalized parton distributions in basis light-front quantization
L Adhikari, Y Li, X Zhao, P Maris, JP Vary, AA El-Hady
Physical Review C 93 (5), 055202, 2016
Comparison of two Minkowski-space approaches to heavy quarkonia
S Leitão, Y Li, P Maris, MT Peña, A Stadler, JP Vary, EP Biernat
The European Physical Journal C 77, 1-16, 2017
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Articles 1–20