Dimitris Vardalis
Dimitris Vardalis
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Cited by
Exploiting the potential of DTN for energy-efficient internetworking
D Vardalis, V Tsaoussidis
Journal of Systems and Software 90, 91-103, 2014
Icn-based edge service deployment in challenged networks
CA Sarros, A Lertsinsrubtavee, C Molina-Jimenez, K Prasopoulos, ...
Proceedings of the 4th ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking, 210-211, 2017
Decentralized space-data dissemination for low-cost, dense satellite networks
D Vardalis, SA Lenas, S Diamantopoulos, V Tsaoussidis, F Belli, P Beavis, ...
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 51 (4), 3071-3084, 2015
On the efficiency and fairness of TCP over wired/wireless networks
D Vardalis
State University of New York at Stony Brook, 2001
UMOBILE D4. 5: Report on data collection and inference models
RC Sofia, I Santos, J Soares, S Diamantopoulos, CA Sarros, D Vardalis, ...
UMOBILE Consortium, 2017
Energy-efficient internetworking with DTN
D Vardalis, V Tsaoussidis
International Conference on Wired/Wireless Internet Communications, 220-233, 2011
Automated key exchange protocol evaluation in delay tolerant networks
SA Menesidou, D Vardalis, V Katos
Computers & Security 59, 1-8, 2016
DTN Agent for ns-2
D Vardalis, V Tsaoussidis
On the efficiency and fairness of congestion control mechanisms in wired and wireless networks
D Vardalis, V Tsaoussidis
The Journal of Supercomputing, Kluwer Academic Publishers 23, 2002
On the Efficiency and Fairness of Protocol Recovery Strategies in Networks with Wireless Components
D Vardalis, V Tsaoussidis
Proc. of International Conference on Internet Computing, 2001
Efficiency/Fairness tradeoffs in networks with wireless components and transient congestion
D Vardalis, V Tsaoussidis
The Journal of Supercomputing 23, 281-296, 2002
On the Performance of Reliable Transport Protocols over Wide Area Networks.
A Lahanas, D Vardalis, V Tsaoussidis
International Conference on Internet Computing, 443-450, 2000
Enhancing food engineering education with interactive web-based simulations
A Koulouris, G Aroutidis, D Vardalis, P Giannoulis, P Karakosta
International Journal of Food Studies 4 (1), 2015
Achieving energy-efficiency with DTN: A proof-of-concept and roadmap study
D Vardalis, V Tsaoussidis
International Conference on Wired/Wireless Internet Communications, 332-341, 2012
Multi access edge computing for efficient content distribution and iot services
P Valsamas, S Skaperas, G Violettas, T Theodorou, S Petridou, ...
2019 IEEE WCNC, 2019
Design and Implementation of Algorithms Exploiting Properties of the Delay-Disruption Tolerant Networks
D Vardalis
Democritus University of Thrace, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2015
Experimenting with Cloud and Network Orchestration for Multi-Access Edge Computing
P Valsamas, S Skaperas, G Violettas, T Theodorou, S Petridou, ...
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 1-2, 2019
Buffering… Energy for Mobile Devices: A “Store and Rendezvous” Approach
D Vardalis, CA Sarros, V Tsaoussidis
International Conference on Wired/Wireless Internet Communication, 106-120, 2016
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Articles 1–18