A review on ensembles for the class imbalance problem: bagging-, boosting-, and hybrid-based approaches M Galar, A Fernandez, E Barrenechea, H Bustince, F Herrera IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and …, 2011 | 3342 | 2011 |
An overview of ensemble methods for binary classifiers in multi-class problems: Experimental study on one-vs-one and one-vs-all schemes M Galar, A Fernández, E Barrenechea, H Bustince, F Herrera Pattern Recognition 44 (8), 1761-1776, 2011 | 939 | 2011 |
A historical account of types of fuzzy sets and their relationships H Bustince, E Barrenechea, M Pagola, J Fernandez, Z Xu, B Bedregal, ... IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 24 (1), 179-194, 2015 | 516 | 2015 |
EUSBoost: Enhancing ensembles for highly imbalanced data-sets by evolutionary undersampling M Galar, A Fernández, E Barrenechea, F Herrera Pattern recognition 46 (12), 3460-3471, 2013 | 479 | 2013 |
Interval-valued fuzzy sets constructed from matrices: Application to edge detection H Bustince, E Barrenechea, M Pagola, J Fernández Fuzzy Sets and systems 160 (13), 1819-1840, 2009 | 283 | 2009 |
New method to assess barley nitrogen nutrition status based on image colour analysis: Comparison with SPAD-502 M Pagola, R Ortiz, I Irigoyen, H Bustince, E Barrenechea, P Aparicio-Tejo, ... Computers and electronics in agriculture 65 (2), 213-218, 2009 | 239 | 2009 |
Restricted equivalence functions H Bustince, E Barrenechea, M Pagola Fuzzy Sets and Systems 157 (17), 2333-2346, 2006 | 215 | 2006 |
New results on overlap and grouping functions B Bedregal, GP Dimuro, H Bustince, E Barrenechea Information Sciences 249, 148-170, 2013 | 212 | 2013 |
Image thresholding using restricted equivalence functions and maximizing the measures of similarity H Bustince, E Barrenechea, M Pagola Fuzzy Sets and Systems 158 (5), 496-516, 2007 | 207 | 2007 |
A survey on fingerprint minutiae-based local matching for verification and identification: Taxonomy and experimental evaluation D Peralta, M Galar, I Triguero, D Paternain, S García, E Barrenechea, ... Information Sciences 315, 67-87, 2015 | 204 | 2015 |
Construction of fuzzy indices from fuzzy DI-subsethood measures: Application to the global comparison of images H Bustince, M Pagola, E Barrenechea Information Sciences 177 (3), 906-929, 2007 | 203 | 2007 |
Interval type-2 fuzzy sets are generalization of interval-valued fuzzy sets: Toward a wider view on their relationship HB Sola, J Fernandez, H Hagras, F Herrera, M Pagola, E Barrenechea IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 23 (5), 1876-1882, 2014 | 199 | 2014 |
Relationship between restricted dissimilarity functions, restricted equivalence functions and normal EN-functions: Image thresholding invariant H Bustince, E Barrenechea, M Pagola Pattern Recognition Letters 29 (4), 525-536, 2008 | 180 | 2008 |
Enhancing Multiclass Classification in FARC-HD Fuzzy Classifier: On the Synergy Between-Dimensional Overlap Functions and Decomposition Strategies M Elkano, M Galar, JA Sanz, A Fernández, E Barrenechea, F Herrera, ... IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 23 (5), 1562-1580, 2014 | 179 | 2014 |
Definition and construction of fuzzy DI-subsethood measures H Bustince, V Mohedano, E Barrenechea, M Pagola Information Sciences 176 (21), 3190-3231, 2006 | 156 | 2006 |
Multiscale edge detection based on Gaussian smoothing and edge tracking C Lopez-Molina, B De Baets, H Bustince, J Sanz, E Barrenechea Knowledge-Based Systems 44, 101-111, 2013 | 155 | 2013 |
Ignorance functions. An application to the calculation of the threshold in prostate ultrasound images H Bustince, M Pagola, E Barrenechea, J Fernández, P Melo-Pinto, ... Fuzzy sets and Systems 161 (1), 20-36, 2010 | 133 | 2010 |
Generation of interval‐valued fuzzy and atanassov's intuitionistic fuzzy connectives from fuzzy connectives and from Kα operators: Laws for conjunctions and … H Bustince, E Barrenechea, M Pagola International journal of intelligent systems 23 (6), 680-714, 2008 | 127 | 2008 |
Construction of interval-valued fuzzy relations with application to the generation of fuzzy edge images E Barrenechea, H Bustince, B De Baets, C Lopez-Molina IEEE Transactions on fuzzy systems 19 (5), 819-830, 2011 | 126 | 2011 |
Construction of interval-valued fuzzy preference relations from ignorance functions and fuzzy preference relations. Application to decision making E Barrenechea, J Fernandez, M Pagola, F Chiclana, H Bustince Knowledge-Based Systems 58, 33-44, 2014 | 121 | 2014 |