Qiaowei yuan
Qiaowei yuan
Tohoku institute of technology
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Numerical analysis on transmission efficiency of evanescent resonant coupling wireless power transfer system
Q Yuan, Q Chen, L Li, K Sawaya
IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation 58 (5), 1751-1758, 2010
Novel broadband planar reflectarray with parasitic dipoles for wireless communication applications
L Li, Q Chen, Q Yuan, K Sawaya, T Maruyama, T Furuno, S Uebayashi
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 8, 881-885, 2009
Frequency selective reflectarray using crossed-dipole elements with square loops for wireless communication applications
L Li, Q Chen, Q Yuan, K Sawaya, T Maruyama, T Furuno, S Uebayashi
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 59 (1), 89-99, 2010
Antenna characterization for wireless power-transmission system using near-field coupling
Q Chen, K Ozawa, Q Yuan, K Sawaya
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine 54 (4), 108-116, 2012
Accurate DOA estimation using array antenna with arbitrary geometry
Q Yuan, Q Chen, K Sawaya
IEEE Transactions on antennas and propagation 53 (4), 1352-1357, 2005
Performance of adaptive array antenna with arbitrary geometry in the presence of mutual coupling
Q Yuan, Q Chen, K Sawaya
IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation 54 (7), 1991-1996, 2006
Ultrawideband suppression of ground bounce noise in multilayer PCB using locally embedded planar electromagnetic band-gap structures
L Li, Q Chen, Q Yuan, K Sawaya
IEEE antennas and wireless propagation letters 8, 740-743, 2008
Reflectarray element using interdigital gap loading structure
JF Li, Q Chen, QW Yuan, K Sawaya
Electronics Letters 47 (2), 83-85, 2011
A simple strip model in the volume-surface integral equation for analysis of arbitrary probe-fed conformal microstrip antennas
M He, Q Chen, Q Yuan, K Sawaya, X Xu
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 8, 530-533, 2009
Maximum transfer efficiency of MIMO-WPT system
T Aoki, Q Yuan, D Quang-Thang, M Okada, HM Hsu
2018 IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference (WPTC), 1-3, 2018
Modulated scattering array antennas for mobile handsets
Q Yuan, M Ishizu, Q Chen, K Sawaya
IEICE Electronics Express 2 (20), 519-522, 2005
Experimental investigation of MIMO performance using passive repeater in multipath environment
L Wang, SW Qu, J Li, Q Chen, Q Yuan, K Sawaya
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 10, 752-755, 2011
Fast algorithm for solving matrix equation in MoM analysis of large-scale array antennas
Q Chen, Q Yuan, K Sawaya
IEICE transactions on communications 85 (11), 2482-2488, 2002
Modulated scattering array antenna for MIMO applications
Q Chen, L Wang, T Iwaki, Y Kakinuma, Q Yuan, K Sawaya
IEICE Electronics Express 4 (23), 745-749, 2007
Amplitude controlled reflectarray using non-uniform FSS reflection plane
J Li, Q Chen, K Sawaya, Q Yuan
2011 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APSURSI …, 2011
MUSIC based DOA finding and polarization estimation using USV with polarization sensitive array antenna
Q Yuan, Q Chen, K Sawaya
2006 IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, 339-342, 2006
Wireless power IoT system using polarization switch antenna as polling protocol for 5G mobile network
YH Lee, AS Wang, YD Liao, TW Lin, YJ Chi, CC Wong, N Shinohara, ...
2017 IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference (WPTC), 1-3, 2017
Diversity performance of modurated scattering array antenna
Q Chen, Y Takeda, Q Yuan, K Sawaya
IEICE Electronics Express 4 (7), 216-220, 2007
Analysis of large-scale periodic array antennas by CG-FFT combined with equivalent sub-array preconditioner
H Zhai, Q Chen, Q Yuan, K Sawaya, C Liang
IEICE transactions on communications 89 (3), 922-928, 2006
S-parameters for calculating the maximum efficiency of a MIMO-WPT system: Applicable to near/far field coupling, capacitive/magnetic coupling
Q Yuan
IEEE Microwave Magazine 24 (4), 40-48, 2023
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Articles 1–20