Christopher Kello
Christopher Kello
Professor of Cognitive Science, University of California Merced
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Verb-specific constraints in sentence processing: separating effects of lexical preference from garden-paths.
JC Trueswell, MK Tanenhaus, C Kello
Journal of Experimental psychology: Learning, memory, and Cognition 19 (3), 528, 1993
Scaling laws in cognitive sciences
CT Kello, GDA Brown, R Ferrer-i-Cancho, JG Holden, ...
Trends in cognitive sciences 14 (5), 223-232, 2010
The emergence of phonology from the interplay of speech comprehension and production: A distributed connectionist approach
DC Plaut, CT Kello
The emergence of language 17, 381-415, 1999
The emergent coordination of cognitive function.
CT Kello, BC Beltz, JG Holden, GC Van Orden
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 136 (4), 551, 2007
Complexity matching in dyadic conversation.
DH Abney, A Paxton, R Dale, CT Kello
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 143 (6), 2304, 2014
The pervasiveness of 1/f scaling in speech reflects the metastable basis of cognition
CT Kello, GG Anderson, JG Holden, GC Van Orden
Cognitive Science 32 (7), 1217-1231, 2008
Initial phoneme versus whole-word criterion to initiate pronunciation: Evidence based on response latency and initial phoneme duration.
AH Kawamoto, CT Kello, R Jones, K Bame
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 24 (4), 862, 1998
When two meanings are better than one: Modeling the ambiguity advantage using a recurrent distributed network.
AH Kawamoto, WT Farrar, CT Kello
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 20 (6 …, 1994
The task dependence of staged versus cascaded processing: An empirical and computational study of Stroop interference in speech perception.
CT Kello, DC Plaut, B MacWhinney
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 129 (3), 340, 2000
Movement dynamics reflect a functional role for weak coupling and role structure in dyadic problem solving
DH Abney, A Paxton, R Dale, CT Kello
Cognitive processing 16, 325-332, 2015
Soft-assembly of sensorimotor function
CT Kello, GC Van Orden
Nonlinear dynamics, psychology, and life sciences 13 (1), 57, 2009
Strategic control over rate of processing in word reading: A computational investigation
CT Kello, DC Plaut
Journal of Memory and Language 48 (1), 207-232, 2003
Strategic control in word reading: evidence from speeded responding in the tempo-naming task.
CT Kello, DC Plaut
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 26 (3), 719, 2000
Hierarchical temporal structure in music, speech and animal vocalizations: jazz is like a conversation, humpbacks sing like hermit thrushes
CT Kello, SD Bella, B Médé, R Balasubramaniam
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 14 (135), 20170231, 2017
A neural network model of the articulatory-acoustic forward mapping trained on recordings of articulatory parameters
CT Kello, DC Plaut
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 116 (4), 2354-2364, 2004
Critical Branching Neural Computation Apparatus and Methods
C Kello
US Patent App. 12/794,662, 2010
Critical branching neural networks.
CT Kello
Psychological review 120 (1), 230, 2013
Situated behavior and the place of measurement in psychological theory
GC Van Orden, CT Kello, JG Holden
Ecological Psychology 22 (1), 24-43, 2010
Hierarchical organization in the temporal structure of infant-direct speech and song
S Falk, CT Kello
Cognition 163, 80-86, 2017
Multiple coordination patterns in infant and adult vocalizations
DH Abney, AS Warlaumont, DK Oller, S Wallot, CT Kello
Infancy 22 (4), 514-539, 2017
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Articles 1–20