Janet Stanley
Janet Stanley
Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute, University of Melbourne
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Investigating links between transport disadvantage, social exclusion and well-being in Melbourne–Updated results
G Currie, T Richardson, P Smyth, D Vella-Brodrick, J Hine, K Lucas, ...
Research in transportation economics 29 (1), 287-295, 2010
Mobility, social exclusion and well-being: Exploring the links
JK Stanley, DA Hensher, JR Stanley, D Vella-Brodrick
Transportation research part A: policy and practice 45 (8), 789-801, 2011
In the firing line: Violence and power in child protection work
J Stanley, C Goddard, R Sanders
Child & family social work 7 (4), 323-324, 2002
A pilot study of workplace violence towards paramedics
M Boyle, S Koritsas, J Coles, J Stanley
Emergency Medicine Journal 24 (11), 760-763, 2007
Investigating links between social capital and public transport
G Currie, J Stanley
Transport Reviews 28 (4), 529-547, 2008
The usefulness of social exclusion to inform social policy in transport
J Stanley, D Vella-Brodrick
Transport policy 16 (3), 90-96, 2009
Social exclusion and the value of mobility
J Stanley, DA Hensher, J Stanley, G Currie, WH Greene, D Vella-Brodrick
Journal of Transport Economics and Policy (JTEP) 45 (2), 197-222, 2011
Social exclusion: What can public transport offer?
J Stanley, K Lucas
Research in transportation economics 22 (1), 36-40, 2008
No way to go: Transport and social disadvantage in Australian communities
G Currie, J Stanley
Child abuse and neglect in Indigenous Australian communities
J Stanley, AM Tomison, J Pocock
Australian Institute of Family Studies, 2003
The significance of transport mobility in predicting well-being
DA Vella-Brodrick, J Stanley
Transport policy 29, 236-242, 2013
Child abuse and the Internet [This article is reproduced from Issues in Child Abuse Prevention, no. 15, Summer 2001.]
J Stanley
Journal of the Home Economics Institute of Australia 9 (1), 5-27, 2002
Structured risk assessment procedures: Instruments of abuse?
CR Goddard, BJ Saunders, JR Stanley, J Tucci
Child Abuse Review: Journal of the British Association for the Study and …, 1999
Prevalence and predictors of occupational violence and aggression towards GPs: a cross-sectional study
S Koritsas, J Coles, M Boyle, J Stanley
British Journal of General Practice 57 (545), 967-970, 2007
Mobility, social capital and sense of community: what value?
J Stanley, J Stanley, D Hensher
Urban Studies 49 (16), 3595-3609, 2012
The place of transport in facilitating social inclusion via the mediating influence of social capital
J Stanley, J Stanley, D Vella-Brodrick, G Currie
Research in Transportation Economics 29 (1), 280-286, 2010
The association between child abuse and other family violence
J Stanley, C Goddard
Australian Social Work 46 (2), 3-8, 1993
Measures of disadvantage: is car ownership a good indicator?
V Johnson, G Currie, J Stanley
Social Indicators Research 97, 439-450, 2010
Public transport and social policy goals
J Stanley, J Stanley
Road & Transport Research: A Journal of Australian and New Zealand Research …, 2007
Social exclusion: the roles of mobility and bridging social capital in regional Australia
J Stanley, J Stanley, C Balbontin, D Hensher
Transportation research part A: policy and practice 125, 223-233, 2019
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Articles 1–20