Lucio Frydman
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Cited by
Isotropic spectra of half-integer quadrupolar spins from bidimensional magic-angle spinning NMR
L Frydman, JS Harwood
Journal of the American Chemical Society 117 (19), 5367-5368, 1995
Multiple-quantum magic-angle spinning NMR: A new method for the study of quadrupolar nuclei in solids
A Medek, JS Harwood, L Frydman
Journal of the American Chemical Society 117 (51), 12779-12787, 1995
The acquisition of multidimensional NMR spectra within a single scan
L Frydman, T Scherf, A Lupulescu
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (25), 15858-15862, 2002
Facing and overcoming sensitivity challenges in biomolecular NMR spectroscopy
JH Ardenkjaer‐Larsen, GS Boebinger, A Comment, S Duckett, AS Edison, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 54 (32), 9162-9185, 2015
Principles and features of single-scan two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy
L Frydman, A Lupulescu, T Scherf
Journal of the American Chemical Society 125 (30), 9204-9217, 2003
Single-scan multidimensional magnetic resonance
A Tal, L Frydman
Progress in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy 57 (3), 241-292, 2010
Kinetics of hyperpolarized 13C1-pyruvate transport and metabolism in living human breast cancer cells
T Harris, G Eliyahu, L Frydman, H Degani
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (43), 18131-18136, 2009
Ultrafast two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of hyperpolarized solutions
L Frydman, D Blazina
Nature physics 3 (6), 415-419, 2007
Sensitivity enhancement of the MQMAS NMR experiment by fast amplitude modulation of the pulses
PK Madhu, A Goldbourt, L Frydman, S Vega
Chemical Physics Letters 307 (1-2), 41-47, 1999
Optimized multiple-quantum magic-angle spinning NMR experiments on half-integer quadrupoles
JP Amoureux, C Fernandez, L Frydman
Chemical Physics Letters 259 (3-4), 347-355, 1996
A simple approach for relating molecular and structural information to the dipolar coupling 13C 14N in CPMAS NMR
AC Olivieri, L Frydman, LE Diaz
Journal of Magnetic Resonance (1969) 75 (1), 50-62, 1987
Ultrafast 2D NMR: an emerging tool in analytical spectroscopy
P Giraudeau, L Frydman
Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry 7 (1), 129-161, 2014
Variable‐angle correlation spectroscopy in solid‐state nuclear magnetic resonancea)
L Frydman, GC Chingas, YK Lee, PJ Grandinetti, MA Eastman, GA Barrall, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 97 (7), 4800-4808, 1992
Secondary structure determination of conserved SARS-CoV-2 RNA elements by NMR spectroscopy
A Wacker, JE Weigand, SR Akabayov, N Altincekic, JK Bains, ...
Nucleic acids research 48 (22), 12415-12435, 2020
Bulk nuclear polarization enhanced at room temperature by optical pumping
R Fischer, CO Bretschneider, P London, D Budker, D Gershoni, ...
Physical review letters 111 (5), 057601, 2013
Quadrupolar nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in solids using frequency-swept echoing pulses
R Bhattacharyya, L Frydman
The Journal of chemical physics 127 (19), 2007
Toward single-shot pure-shift solution 1H NMR by trains of BIRD-based homonuclear decoupling
A Lupulescu, GL Olsen, L Frydman
Journal of Magnetic Resonance 218, 141-146, 2012
Broadband adiabatic inversion pulses for cross polarization in wideline solid-state NMR spectroscopy
KJ Harris, A Lupulescu, BEG Lucier, L Frydman, RW Schurko
Journal of Magnetic Resonance 224, 38-47, 2012
Spatially encoded NMR and the acquisition of 2D magnetic resonance images within a single scan
Y Shrot, L Frydman
Journal of Magnetic Resonance 172 (2), 179-190, 2005
UltraSOFAST HMQC NMR and the repetitive acquisition of 2D protein spectra at Hz rates
M Gal, P Schanda, B Brutscher, L Frydman
Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (5), 1372-1377, 2007
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Articles 1–20