Javier Toledo
Javier Toledo
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Cited by
An efficient and expandable hardware implementation of multilayer cellular neural networks
JJ Martínez, J Garrigós, J Toledo, JM Ferrández
Neurocomputing 114, 54-62, 2013
Map building with ultrasonic sensors of indoor environments using neural networks
FJ Toledo, JD Luis, LM Tomas, MA Zamora, H Martínez
Smc 2000 conference proceedings. 2000 ieee international conference on …, 2000
FPGA-based architecture for the real-time computation of 2-D convolution with large kernel size
FJ Toledo-Moreo, JJ Martínez-Alvarez, J Garrigós-Guerrero, ...
Journal of Systems Architecture 58 (8), 277-285, 2012
Evaluation of stereo correspondence algorithms and their implementation on FPGA
C Colodro-Conde, FJ Toledo-Moreo, R Toledo-Moreo, ...
Journal of Systems Architecture 60 (1), 22-31, 2014
A retinomorphic architecture based on discrete-time cellular neural networks using reconfigurable computing
J Javier Martínez, F Javier Toledo, E Fernández, JM Ferrández
Neurocomputing 71 (4), 766-775, 2008
Power Measurement Methods for Energy Efficient Applications
G Calandrini, A Gardel, I Bravo, P Revenga, JL Lázaro, FJ Toledo-Moreo
Sensors 13 (6), 7786-7796, 2013
FPGA-based platform for image and video processing embedded systems
FJ Toledo, JJ Martinez, JM Ferrandez
2007 3rd Southern Conference on Programmable Logic, 171-176, 2007
A Customizable Multi-channel Stimulator for Cortical Neuroprosthesis
JM Ferrandez, E Liano, P Bonomini, JJ Martinez, J Toledo, E Fernández
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2007. EMBS 2007. 29th Annual …, 2007
High performance implementation of an fpga-based sequential dt-cnn
JJ Martínez-Alvarez, FJ Garrigós-Guerrero, FJ Toledo-Moreo, ...
International Work-Conference on the Interplay Between Natural and …, 2007
FPGA implementation of an augmented reality application for visually impaired people
FJ Toledo, JJ Martínez, FJ Garrigós, JM Ferrández
Field Programmable Logic and Applications, 2005. International Conference on …, 2005
New emulated discrete model of CNN architecture for FPGA and DSP applications
JJ Martínez, FJ Toledo, JM Ferrández
Artificial Neural Nets Problem Solving Methods, 33-40, 2003
Hand-based interface for augmented reality
FJ Toledo-Moreo, JJ Martinez-Alvarez, JM Ferrandez-Vicente
Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines, 2007. FCCM 2007. 15th Annual …, 2007
Hand-based interface for augmented reality
FJ Toledo-Moreo, JJ Martinez-Alvarez, JM Ferrandez-Vicente
Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines, 2007. FCCM 2007. 15th Annual …, 2007
Implementation of a discrete cellular neuron model (DT-CNN) architecture on FPGA
JJ Martinez, FJ Toledo, JM Ferrandez
Microtechnologies for the New Millennium 2005, 332-340, 2005
A scalable CNN architecture and its application to short exposure stellar images processing on a HPRC
JJ Martínez-Alvarez, J Garrigós, J Toledo, C Colodro-Conde, I Villó-Pérez, ...
Neurocomputing 151, 91-100, 2015
Compression system for the phonocardiographic Signal
A Legaz Cano, JJ Martínez Álvarez, RJ Ruiz Merino, FJ Toledo Moreo
Institute Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2007
Study of the contrast processing in the early visual system using a neuromorphic retinal architecture
JJ Martínez, FJ Toledo, E Fernández, JM Ferrández
Neurocomputing 72 (4), 928-935, 2009
Image processing with CNN in a FPGA-based augmented reality system for visually impaired people
FJ Toledo, JJ Martínez, FJ Garrigós, JM Ferrández
Computational Intelligence and Bioinspired Systems, 906-912, 2005
FPGA-based implementation of the instantaneus frequency estimation of phonocardiographic signals
A Hernández Esteban, FJ Toledo Moreo, JJ Martínez Álvarez, ...
International Federation of Automatic Control, 2004
A two-layers based approach of an enhanced-mapfor urban positioning support
C Piñana-Díaz, R Toledo-Moreo, FJ Toledo-Moreo, A Skarmeta
Sensors 12 (11), 14508-14524, 2012
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Articles 1–20