Martha Redi
Martha Redi
Other namesMartha Harper Redi, Martha H Redi, M Redi
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Oceanic isopycnal mixing by coordinate rotation
MH Redi
Journal of Physical Oceanography 12, 1154-1158, 1982
Fusion power production from TFTR plasmas fueled with deuterium and tritium
JD Strachan, H Adler, P Alling, C Ancher, H Anderson, JL Anderson, ...
Physical review letters 72 (22), 3526, 1994
Physics of the compact advanced stellarator NCSX
MC Zarnstorff, LA Berry, A Brooks, E Fredrickson, GY Fu, S Hirshman, ...
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 43 (12A), A237, 2001
Baldur: A one-dimensional plasma transport code
CE Singer, DE Post, DR Mikkelsen, MH Redi, A McKenney, A Silverman, ...
Computer physics communications 49 (2), 275-398, 1988
Role of trapped electron mode turbulence in internal transport barrier control in the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak
DR Ernst, PT Bonoli, PJ Catto, W Dorland, CL Fiore, RS Granetz, ...
Physics of Plasmas 11 (5), 2637-2648, 2004
Simulations of alpha parameters in a TFTR DT supershot with high fusion power
RV Budny, MG Bell, AC Janos, DL Jassby, LC Johnson, DK Mansfield, ...
Nuclear Fusion 35 (12), 1497, 1995
Fusion plasma experiments on TFTR: A 20 year retrospective
RJ Hawryluk, S Batha, W Blanchard, M Beer, MG Bell, RE Bell, H Berk, ...
Physics of Plasmas 5 (5), 1577-1589, 1998
Review of deuterium–tritium results from the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor
KM McGuire, H Adler, P Alling, C Ancher, H Anderson, JL Anderson, ...
Physics of Plasmas 2 (6), 2176-2188, 1995
Confinement and heating of a deuterium-tritium plasma
RJ Hawryluk, H Adler, P Alling, C Ancher, H Anderson, JL Anderson, ...
Physical review letters 72 (22), 3530, 1994
Theory of Thermal and Photoassisted Electron Tunneling
MH Redi, JJ Hopfield
J. Chem. Phys. 72 (12), 6651-6660, 1980
Effect of fluctuations on electronic properties above the superconducting transition
E Abrahams, M Redi, JWF Woo
Physical Review B 1 (1), 208, 1970
Progress towards high performance plasmas in the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX)
SM Kaye, MG Bell, RE Bell, S Bernabei, J Bialek, T Biewer, W Blanchard, ...
Nuclear fusion 45 (10), S168, 2005
Alpha particle loss in the TFTR DT experiments
SJ Zweben, DS Darrow, HW Herrmann, SH Batha, RV Budny, CS Chang, ...
Nuclear fusion 35 (8), 893, 1995
Plasma wall interaction and tritium retention in TFTR
CH Skinner, E Amarescu, G Ascione, W Blanchard, CW Barnes, SH Batha, ...
Journal of nuclear materials 241, 214-226, 1997
Collisional stochastic ripple diffusion of alpha particles and beam ions on TFTR
MH Redi, MC Zarnstorff, RB White, RV Budny, AC Janos, DK Owens, ...
Nuclear fusion 35 (10), 1191, 1995
Physics issues in the design of high-beta, low-aspect-ratio stellarator experiments
GH Neilson, AH Reiman, MC Zarnstorff, A Brooks, GY Fu, RJ Goldston, ...
Physics of Plasmas 7 (5), 1911-1918, 2000
Physics design of a high-quasi-axisymmetric stellarator
A Reiman, G Fu, S Hirshman, L Ku, D Monticello, H Mynick, M Redi, ...
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 41 (12B), B273, 1999
Overview of TFTR transport studies
RJ Hawryluk, V Arunasalam, CW Barnes, M Beer, M Bell, R Bell, H Biglari, ...
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 33 (13), 1509, 1991
Studies of energetic confined alphas using the pellet charge exchange diagnostic on TFTR
MP Petrov, RV Budny, HH Duong, RK Fisher, NN Gorelenkov, ...
Nuclear fusion 35 (12), 1437, 1995
Isotopic scaling of confinement in deuterium–tritium plasmas
SD Scott, MC Zarnstorff, CW Barnes, R Bell, NL Bretz, C Bush, Z Chang, ...
Physics of Plasmas 2 (6), 2299-2307, 1995
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Articles 1–20