Long Wang
Cited by
Cited by
Log-based abnormal task detection and root cause analysis for spark
S Lu, BB Rao, X Wei, B Tak, L Wang, L Wang
2017 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS), 389-396, 2017
Towards an understanding of oversubscription in cloud
SA Baset, L Wang, C Tang
2nd USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Management of Internet, Cloud, and …, 2012
Remediating resource overload
SA Baset, RA Hosn, R Mahindru, HGV Ramasamy, S Sarkar, C Tang, ...
US Patent 8,839,243, 2014
Modeling coordinated checkpointing for large-scale supercomputers
L Wang, K Pattabiraman, Z Kalbarczyk, RK Iyer, L Votta, C Vick, A Wood
2005 International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN'05 …, 2005
Failure diagnosis for distributed systems using targeted fault injection
C Pham, L Wang, BC Tak, S Baset, C Tang, Z Kalbarczyk, RK Iyer
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 28 (2), 503-516, 2016
Cap3: A cloud auto-provisioning framework for parallel processing using on-demand and spot instances
H Huang, L Wang, BC Tak, L Wang, C Tang
2013 IEEE Sixth International Conference on Cloud Computing, 228-235, 2013
Application fault tolerance with Armor middleware
Z Kalbarczyk, RK Iyer, L Wang
IEEE Internet Computing 9 (2), 28-37, 2005
Policy based data collection, processing, and negotiation for analytics
SA Baset, Y Deng, M Kim, A Segal, CO Schulz, A Sailer, L Wang
US Patent 10,223,329, 2019
Security policy generation based on snapshots of similar virtual machines
Y Deng, R Mahindru, HGV Ramasamy, L Renganarayana, S Sarkar, ...
US Patent 9,563,777, 2017
LADRA: Log-based abnormal task detection and root-cause analysis in big data processing with Spark
S Lu, X Wei, B Rao, B Tak, L Wang, L Wang
Future Generation Computer Systems 95, 392-403, 2019
Identifying patterns of a set of software applications
Y Deng, TR Ionescu, SJ Kofkin-Hansen, R Mahindru, C Moss, ...
US Patent 10,621,154, 2020
Checkpointing virtual machines against transient errors
L Wang, Z Kalbarczyk, RK Iyer, A Iyengar
2010 IEEE 16th International On-Line Testing Symposium, 97-102, 2010
Reliability microkernel: Providing application-aware reliability in the os
L Wang, Z Kalbarczyk, W Gu, RK Iyer
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 56 (4), 597-614, 2007
Group communication protocols under errors
C Basile, L Wang, Z Kalbarczyk, R Iyer
22nd International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, 2003 …, 2003
Diagnosing distributed applications using application logs and request processing paths
BC Tak, C Tang, L Wang
US Patent 9,069,668, 2015
Providing fault injection to cloud-provisioned machines
Y Deng, R Mahindru, A Sailer, S Sarkar, L Wang
US Patent 9,753,826, 2017
Pseudoapp: performance prediction for application migration to cloud
BC Tak, C Tang, H Huang, L Wang
2013 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM …, 2013
Extraction of system administrator actions to a workflow providing a resolution to a system issue
Y Deng, R Mahindru, L Renganarayana, S Sarkar, L Wang
US Patent 10,346,780, 2019
An OS-level framework for providing application-aware reliability
L Wang, Z Kalbarczyk, W Gu, RK Iyer
2006 12th Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC …, 2006
Dissecting Open Source Cloud Evolution: An {OpenStack} Case Study
SA Baset, C Tang, BC Tak, L Wang
5th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing (HotCloud 13), 2013
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Articles 1–20