Yan Sun (孙岩)
Yan Sun (孙岩)
Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
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Dirac semimetal and topological phase transitions in Bi (, K, Rb)
Z Wang, Y Sun, XQ Chen, C Franchini, G Xu, H Weng, X Dai, Z Fang
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (19), 195320, 2012
Giant anomalous Hall effect in a ferromagnetic kagome-lattice semimetal
E Liu, Y Sun, N Kumar, L Muechler, A Sun, L Jiao, SY Yang, D Liu, ...
Nature physics 14 (11), 1125-1131, 2018
Extremely large magnetoresistance and ultrahigh mobility in the topological Weyl semimetal candidate NbP
C Shekhar, AK Nayak, Y Sun, M Schmidt, M Nicklas, I Leermakers, ...
Nature Physics 11 (8), 645-649, 2015
Weyl semimetal phase in the non-centrosymmetric compound TaAs
LX Yang, ZK Liu, Y Sun, H Peng, HF Yang, T Zhang, B Zhou, Y Zhang, ...
Nature physics 11 (9), 728-732, 2015
Large anomalous Hall effect driven by a nonvanishing Berry curvature in the noncolinear antiferromagnet Mn3Ge
AK Nayak, JE Fischer, Y Sun, B Yan, J Karel, AC Komarek, C Shekhar, ...
Science advances 2 (4), e1501870, 2016
Superconductivity in Weyl semimetal candidate MoTe2
Y Qi, PG Naumov, MN Ali, CR Rajamathi, W Schnelle, O Barkalov, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 11038, 2016
Prediction of Weyl semimetal in orthorhombic
Y Sun, SC Wu, MN Ali, C Felser, B Yan
Physical Review B 92 (16), 161107, 2015
Magnetic Weyl semimetal phase in a Kagomé crystal
DF Liu, AJ Liang, EK Liu, QN Xu, YW Li, C Chen, D Pei, WJ Shi, SK Mo, ...
Science 365 (6459), 1282-1285, 2019
Strong anisotropic anomalous Hall effect and spin Hall effect in the chiral antiferromagnetic compounds (, Sn, Ga, Ir, Rh, and Pt)
Y Zhang, Y Sun, H Yang, J Železnı, SPP Parkin, C Felser, B Yan
Physical Review B 95 (7), 075128, 2017
High electron mobility and quantum oscillations in non-encapsulated ultrathin semiconducting Bi2O2Se
J Wu, H Yuan, M Meng, C Chen, Y Sun, Z Chen, W Dang, C Tan, Y Liu, ...
Nature Nanotechnology 12 (6), 530-534, 2017
Fermi-arc diversity on surface terminations of the magnetic Weyl semimetal Co3Sn2S2
N Morali, R Batabyal, PK Nag, E Liu, Q Xu, Y Sun, B Yan, C Felser, ...
Science 365 (6459), 1286-1291, 2019
Berry curvature dipole in Weyl semimetal materials: An ab initio study
Y Zhang, Y Sun, B Yan
Physical Review B 97 (4), 041101, 2018
Negative magnetoresistance without well-defined chirality in the Weyl semimetal TaP
F Arnold, C Shekhar, SC Wu, Y Sun, RD Dos Reis, N Kumar, M Naumann, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 11615, 2016
Signature of type-II Weyl semimetal phase in MoTe2
J Jiang, ZK Liu, Y Sun, HF Yang, CR Rajamathi, YP Qi, LX Yang, C Chen, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 13973, 2017
Topological Weyl semimetals in the chiral antiferromagnetic materials Mn3Ge and Mn3Sn
H Yang, Y Sun, Y Zhang, WJ Shi, SSP Parkin, B Yan
New Journal of Physics 19 (1), 015008, 2017
Evolution of the Fermi surface of Weyl semimetals in the transition metal pnictide family
ZK Liu, LX Yang, Y Sun, T Zhang, H Peng, HF Yang, C Chen, Y Zhang, ...
Nature materials 15 (1), 27-31, 2016
Heusler, weyl and berry
K Manna, Y Sun, L Muechler, J Kübler, C Felser
Nature Reviews Materials 3 (8), 244-256, 2018
A coronene-based semiconducting two-dimensional metal-organic framework with ferromagnetic behavior
R Dong, Z Zhang, DC Tranca, S Zhou, M Wang, P Adler, Z Liao, F Liu, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 2637, 2018
Chiral topological semimetal with multifold band crossings and long Fermi arcs
NBM Schröter, D Pei, MG Vergniory, Y Sun, K Manna, F De Juan, ...
Nature Physics 15 (8), 759-765, 2019
Zero‐Field Nernst Effect in a Ferromagnetic Kagome‐Lattice Weyl‐Semimetal Co3Sn2S2
SN Guin, P Vir, Y Zhang, N Kumar, SJ Watzman, C Fu, E Liu, K Manna, ...
Advanced Materials 31 (25), 1806622, 2019
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