Amna Jamal
Cited by
Cited by
Dynamic packet size optimization and channel selection for cognitive radio sensor networks
A Jamal, CK Tham, WC Wong
IEEE transactions on cognitive communications and networking 1 (4), 394-405, 2015
CR-WSN MAC: An energy efficient and spectrum aware MAC protocol for cognitive radio sensor network
A Jamal, CK Tham, WC Wong
2014 9th International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless …, 2014
Event detection and channel allocation in cognitive radio sensor networks
A Jamal, CK Tham, WC Wong
2012 IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS), 157-161, 2012
A Hidden Markov Model For Detection and Classification of Arm Action in Cricket Using Wearable Sensors
SL S Qaisar, S Imtiaz, F Faruq, A Jamal, W Iqbal, P
Jornal of Mobile Multimedia 9, 128-144, 2013
A method for cricket bowling action classification and analysis using a system of inertial sensors
S Qaisar, S Imtiaz, P Glazier, F Farooq, A Jamal, W Iqbal, S Lee
Computational Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2013: 13th International …, 2013
Spectrum aware and energy efficient MAC protocol for cognitive radio sensor network
A Jamal, CK Tham, WC Wong
2014 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS …, 2014
Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks: A Multi-Layer Perspective
A Jamal, 2016
MAC protocol for CRSN
A Jamal, CK Tham, WC Wong
Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks: Applications, Architectures, and Challenges, 2014
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Articles 1–8