George Kuk
Cited by
Cited by
Burnout, health, work stress, and organizational healthiness
T Cox, G Kuk, MP Leiter
Professional burnout, 177-193, 2017
Strategic interaction and knowledge sharing in the KDE developer mailing list
G Kuk
Management science 52 (7), 1031-1042, 2006
The challenges and limits of big data algorithms in technocratic governance
M Janssen, G Kuk
Government Information Quarterly 33 (3), 371-377, 2016
Effectiveness of vendor-managed inventory in the electronics industry: determinants and outcomes
G Kuk
Information & management 41 (5), 645-654, 2004
A survey of Web-based business models for e-government in the Netherlands
M Janssen, G Kuk, RW Wagenaar
Government information quarterly 25 (2), 202-220, 2008
The business models and information architectures of smart cities
G Kuk, M Janssen
Creating Smart-er Cities, 39-51, 2013
The Team Climate Inventory (TCI)—four or five factors? Testing the structure of TCI in samples of low and high complexity jobs
M Kivimäki, G Kuk, M Elovainio, L Thomson, T Kalliomäki‐Levanto, ...
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 70 (4), 375-389, 1997
The complementarity of openness: How MakerBot leveraged Thingiverse in 3D printing
J West, G Kuk
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 102, 169-181, 2016
The attraction of contributors in free and open source software projects
C Santos, G Kuk, F Kon, J Pearson
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 22 (1), 26-45, 2013
The roles of agency and artifacts in assembling open data complementarities
G Kuk, T Davies
The digital divide and the quality of electronic service delivery in local government in the United Kingdom
G Kuk
Government Information Quarterly 20 (4), 353-363, 2003
A complex adaptive system perspective of enterprise architecture in electronic government
M Janssen, G Kuk
Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2006
Will algorithms blind people? The effect of explainable AI and decision-makers’ experience on AI-supported decision-making in government
M Janssen, M Hartog, R Matheus, A Yi Ding, G Kuk
Social Science Computer Review 40 (2), 478-493, 2022
Big and open linked data (BOLD) in research, policy, and practice
M Janssen, G Kuk
Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce 26 (1-2), 3-13, 2016
Assembling infrastructures and business models for service design and innovation
G Kuk, M Janssen
Information Systems Journal 23 (5), 445-469, 2013
A process pattern model for tackling and improving big data quality
A Wahyudi, G Kuk, M Janssen
Information Systems Frontiers 20, 457-469, 2018
The effects of low and high intensity exercise on emotions, stress and effort
JH Kerr, G Kuk
Psychology of sport and exercise 2 (3), 173-186, 2001
E-government business models for public service networks
M Janssen, G Kuk
International Journal of Electronic Government Research (IJEGR) 3 (3), 54-71, 2007
Open source content contributors’ response to free-riding: The effect of personality and context
O Nov, G Kuk
Computers in human behavior 24 (6), 2848-2861, 2008
Guest editors’ introduction: e-government interoperability, infrastructure and architecture: state-of-the-art and challenges
M Janssen, Y Charalabibis, G Kuk, T Cresswell
Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research 6 (1), I-VIII, 2011
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Articles 1–20