Yuguo Yu
Yuguo Yu
Fudan University
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Modulation of intracortical synaptic potentials by presynaptic somatic membrane potential
Y Shu, A Hasenstaub, A Duque, Y Yu, DA McCormick
Nature 441 (7094), 761-765, 2006
Synaptic and network mechanisms of sparse and reliable visual cortical activity during nonclassical receptive field stimulation
B Haider, MR Krause, A Duque, Y Yu, J Touryan, JA Mazer, ...
Neuron 65 (1), 107-121, 2010
Properties of action-potential initiation in neocortical pyramidal cells: evidence from whole cell axon recordings
Y Shu, A Duque, Y Yu, B Haider, DA McCormick
Journal of neurophysiology 97 (1), 746-760, 2007
Cortical action potential backpropagation explains spike threshold variability and rapid-onset kinetics
Y Yu, Y Shu, DA McCormick
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (29), 7260-7272, 2008
Selective control of cortical axonal spikes by a slowly inactivating K+ current
Y Shu, Y Yu, J Yang, DA McCormick
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (27), 11453-11458, 2007
Hodgkin and Huxley model—still standing?
DA McCormick, Y Shu, Y Yu
Nature 445 (7123), E1-E2, 2007
Evaluating the gray and white matter energy budgets of human brain function
Y Yu, P Herman, DL Rothman, D Agarwal, F Hyder
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 38 (8), 1339-1353, 2018
Synaptic EI balance underlies efficient neural coding
S Zhou, Y Yu
Frontiers in neuroscience 12, 46, 2018
Resonance-enhanced signal detection and transduction in the Hodgkin-Huxley neuronal systems
Y Yu, W Wang, J Wang, F Liu
Physical Review E 63 (2), 021907, 2001
Enhancement of visual responsiveness by spontaneous local network activity in vivo
B Haider, A Duque, AR Hasenstaub, Y Yu, DA McCormick
Journal of neurophysiology 97 (6), 4186-4202, 2007
Neocortical networks entrain neuronal circuits in cerebellar cortex
H Roš, RNS Sachdev, Y Yu, N Šestan, DA McCormick
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (33), 10309-10320, 2009
Warm body temperature facilitates energy efficient cortical action potentials
Y Yu, AP Hill, DA McCormick
PLoS computational biology 8 (4), e1002456, 2012
Preference of Sensory Neural Coding for Signals
Y Yu, R Romero, TS Lee
Physical review letters 94 (10), 108103, 2005
Energy‐efficient neural information processing in individual neurons and neuronal networks
L Yu, Y Yu
Journal of Neuroscience Research 95 (11), 2253-2266, 2017
P/Q and N channels control baseline and spike-triggered calcium levels in neocortical axons and synaptic boutons
Y Yu, C Maureira, X Liu, D McCormick
Journal of Neuroscience 30 (35), 11858-11869, 2010
Somatic membrane potential and Kv1 channels control spike repolarization in cortical axon collaterals and presynaptic boutons
AJ Foust, Y Yu, M Popovic, D Zecevic, DA McCormick
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (43), 15490-15498, 2011
Measurement of blood thiamine metabolites for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis
X Pan, G Fei, J Lu, L Jin, S Pan, Z Chen, C Wang, S Sang, H Liu, W Hu, ...
EBioMedicine 3, 155-162, 2016
Enhanced functional connectivity properties of human brains during in-situ nature experience
Z Chen, Y He, Y Yu
PeerJ 4, e2210, 2016
Accuracy improvement on polymer identification using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy with adjusting spectral weightings
Y Yu, LB Guo, ZQ Hao, XY Li, M Shen, QD Zeng, KH Li, XY Zeng, YF Lu, ...
Optics Express 22 (4), 3895-3901, 2014
Attention restoration during environmental exposure via alpha-theta oscillations and synchronization
Z Chen, Y He, Y Yu
Journal of Environmental Psychology 68, 101406, 2020
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