Alexander W. Min
Alexander W. Min
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Cited by
Cognitive radios for dynamic spectrum access: from concept to reality
KG Shin, H Kim, AW Min, A Kumar
IEEE Wireless Communications 17 (6), 64-74, 2010
Method, apparatus, and system for connecting a mobile client to wireless networks
KH Kim, D Gupta, JP Singh, A Min
US Patent 8,427,942, 2013
Parallel processing of service functions in service function chains
P Connor, I Weiny, I Gasparakis, AW Min, AJ Herdrich, D Kumar, TC Tai, ...
US Patent 9,462,084, 2016
Improving energy efficiency of Wi-Fi sensing on smartphones
KH Kim, AW Min, D Gupta, P Mohapatra, JP Singh
IEEE INFOCOM 2011, 2930-2938, 2011
Impact of mobility on spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks
AW Min, KG Shin
Proceedings of the 2009 ACM workshop on Cognitive radio networks, 13-18, 2009
Secure cooperative sensing in IEEE 802.22 WRANs using shadow fading correlation
AW Min, KG Shin, X Hu
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 10 (10), 1434-1447, 2011
Attack prevention for collaborative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks
L Duan, AW Min, J Huang, KG Shin
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC) 30 (9), 1658-1665, 2012
Attack-tolerant distributed sensing for dynamic spectrum access networks
AW Min, KG Shin, X Hu
The 17th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP) 2009, 294-303, 2009
Exploiting multi-channel diversity in spectrum-agile networks
AW Min, KG Shin
The 27th IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM) 2008, 2008
An optimal sensing framework based on spatial RSS-profile in cognitive radio networks
AW Min, KG Shin
The 6th Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad …, 2009
Apparatus, system and method of communicating a wakeup packet
S Azizi, M Park, AW Min, VS Somayazulu
US Patent App. 14/998,242, 2015
Robust cooperative sensing via state estimation in cognitive radio networks
AW Min, KH Kim, KG Shin
IEEE Symposium on New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN …, 2011
Detection of small-scale primary users in cognitive radio networks
AW Min, X Zhang, KG Shin
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC) 29 (2), 349-361, 2011
Technologies for secure inter-virtual-machine shared memory communication
J Nakajima, RL Sahita, MA Ergin, E Verplanke, RN Patel, AW Min, ...
US Patent 9,454,497, 2016
Opportunistic spectrum access for mobile cognitive radios
AW Min, KH Kim, JP Singh, KG Shin
IEEE INFOCOM 2011, 2993-3001, 2011
Access point (AP), station (STA) and method for allocation of resources for full-duplex (FD) communication in high-efficiency (HE) arrangements
AW Min, M Park
US Patent App. 15/274,780, 2018
Hardware/software co-optimization to improve performance and energy for inter-VM communication for NFVs and other producer-consumer workloads
R Wang, AJ Herdrich, Y Liu, HH Hum, JS Park, CJ Hughes, ...
US Patent 20,160,188,474, 2016
Techniques to dynamically allocate resources for local service chains of configurable computing resources
BJ Skerry, I Weiny, P Connor, TC Tai, AW Min
US Patent 20,160,179,582, 2016
Technologies for offloading network packet processing to a GPU
AW Min, W Shinae, JS Tsai, J Tseng, TYC Tai
US Patent App. 14/836,142, 2015
An 802.11ba-based wake-up radio receiver with Wi-Fi transceiver integration
R Liu, AB KT, R Dorrance, D Dasalukunte, V Kristem, MAS Lopez, AW Min, ...
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 2019
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Articles 1–20