Haibin Zhang
Recent advances in stochastic gradient descent in deep learning
Y Tian, Y Zhang, H Zhang
Mathematics 11 (3), 682, 2023
A PZT-based smart aggregate for compressive seismic stress monitoring
S Hou, HB Zhang, JP Ou
Smart Materials and Structures 21 (10), 105035, 2012
Growth and survival of reciprocal crosses between two bay scallops, Argopecten irradians concentricus Say and A. irradians irradians Lamarck
H Zhang, X Liu, G Zhang, C Wang
Aquaculture 272, S88-S93, 2007
Rotating machine fault diagnosis through enhanced stochastic resonance by full-wave signal construction
F Lu, S., He, Q., Zhang, H., & Kong
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 85, 82-97, 2017
Production and characterization of microbial biosurfactants for potential use in oil-spill remediation
ME Marti, WJ Colonna, P Patra, H Zhang, C Green, G Reznik, M Pynn, ...
Enzyme and microbial technology 55, 31-39, 2014
Host–endosymbiont genome integration in a deep-sea chemosymbiotic clam
JCH Ip, T Xu, J Sun, R Li, C Chen, Y Lan, Z Han, H Zhang, J Wei, H Wang, ...
Molecular Biology and Evolution 38 (2), 502-518, 2021
Enhanced rotating machine fault diagnosis based on time-delayed feedback stochastic resonance
S Lu, Q He, H Zhang, F Kong
Journal of vibration and acoustics 137 (5), 051008, 2015
Pioglitazone inhibits advanced glycation end product-induced matrix metalloproteinases and apoptosis by suppressing the activation of MAPK and NF-κB
HB Zhang, Y Zhang, C Chen, YQ Li, C Ma, ZJ Wang
Apoptosis 21, 1082-1093, 2016
Fedrecovery: Differentially private machine unlearning for federated learning frameworks
L Zhang, T Zhu, H Zhang, P Xiong, W Zhou
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2023
Identification and Mapping of Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism Markers Linked to Shell Color in Bay Scallop, Argopecten irradians irradians (Lamarck, 1819)
Y Qin, X Liu, H Zhang, G Zhang, X Guo
Marine Biotechnology 9, 66-73, 2007
On the linear convergence of a proximal gradient method for a class of nonsmooth convex minimization problems
H Zhang, J Jiang, ZQ Luo
Journal of the Operations Research Society of China 1 (2), 163-186, 2013
Geology, environment, and life in the deepest part of the world’s oceans
M Du, X Peng, H Zhang, C Ye, S Dasgupta, J Li, J Li, S Liu, H Xu, C Chen, ...
The Innovation 2 (2), 2021
A PZT-based smart aggregate for seismic shear stress monitoring
S Hou, HB Zhang, JP Ou
Smart materials and Structures 22 (6), 065012, 2013
Phylogeny and evolutionary radiation of the marine mussels (Bivalvia: Mytilidae) based on mitochondrial and nuclear genes
J Liu, H Liu, H Zhang
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 126, 233-240, 2018
Note: Signal amplification and filtering with a tristable stochastic resonance cantilever
S Lu, Q He, H Zhang, S Zhang, F Kong
Review of scientific Instruments 84 (2), 2013
Stochastic resonance in an underdamped system with pinning potential for weak signal detection
H Zhang, Q He, F Kong
Sensors 15 (9), 21169-21195, 2015
Stochastic resonance with a joint Woods-Saxon and Gaussian potential for bearing fault diagnosis
H Zhang, Q He, S Lu, F Kong
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2014, 315901, 2014
The Doppler Effect based acoustic source separation for a wayside train bearing monitoring system
H Zhang, S Zhang, Q He, F Kong
Journal of Sound and Vibration 361, 307-329, 2016
Complete mitochondrial genome of Benthodytes marianensis (Holothuroidea: Elasipodida: Psychropotidae): Insight into deep sea adaptation in the sea cucumber
W Mu, J Liu, H Zhang
PLoS One 13 (11), e0208051, 2018
A neural network-based multivariate seismic classifier for simultaneous post-earthquake fragility estimation and damage classification
X Yuan, G Chen, P Jiao, L Li, J Han, H Zhang
Engineering Structures 255, 113918, 2022
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