Andrew R. Plummer
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Cited by
Combining spectral feature mapping and multi-channel model-based source separation for noise-robust automatic speech recognition
D Bagchi, MI Mandel, Z Wang, Y He, A Plummer, E Fosler-Lussier
Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding (ASRU), 2015 IEEE Workshop on …, 2015
Nordhaus–Gaddum results for restrained domination and total restrained domination in graphs
JH Hattingh, E Jonck, EJ Joubert, AR Plummer
Discrete Mathematics 308 (7), 1080-1087, 2008
Total restrained domination in trees
JH Hattingh, E Jonck, EJ Joubert, AR Plummer
Discrete mathematics 307 (13), 1643-1650, 2007
Methods for eliciting, annotating, and analyzing databases for child speech development
ME Beckman, AR Plummer, B Munson, PF Reidy
Computer speech & language 45, 278-299, 2017
Learning speaker normalization using semisupervised manifold alignment
AR Plummer, ME Beckman, M Belkin, E Fosler-Lussier, B Munson
Eleventh Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, 2010
Restrained bondage in graphs
JH Hattingh, AR Plummer
Discrete Mathematics 308 (23), 5446-5453, 2008
Restrained domination in unicyclic graphs
J Hattingh, E Joubert, M Loizeaux, A Plummer, L van der Merwe
Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 29 (1), 71-86, 2009
Agnostic possible worlds semantics
A Plummer, C Pollard
International Conference on Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics …, 2012
A note on restrained domination in trees
JH Hattingh, AR Plummer
Ars Combin 94, 477-483, 2010
Computing low-dimensional representations of speech from socio-auditory structures for phonetic analyses
AR Plummer, PF Reidy
Journal of Phonetics 71, 355-375, 2018
S4 enriched multimodal categorial grammars are context-free
AR Plummer
Theoretical Computer Science 388 (1-3), 173-180, 2007
The speech recognition virtual kitchen: Launch party
A Plummer, E Riebling, A Kumar, F Metze, E Fosler-Lussier, R Bates
Fifteenth Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication …, 2014
Aligning manifolds to model the earliest phonological abstraction in infant-caretaker vocal imitation
AR Plummer
Thirteenth Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication …, 2012
The acquisition of vowel normalization during early infancy: theory and computational framework
AR Plummer
The Ohio State University, 2014
Comparing vowel category response surfaces over age-varying maximal vowel spaces within and across language communities.
AR Plummer, L Ménard, B Munson, ME Beckman
INTERSPEECH, 421-425, 2013
Framing a socio-indexical basis for the emergence and cultural transmission of phonological systems
AR Plummer, ME Beckman
Journal of phonetics 53, 66-78, 2015
The speech recognition virtual kitchen turns one
F Metze, E Riebling, E Fosler-Lussier, A Plummer, R Bates
Sixteenth Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication …, 2015
S4 enriched multimodal categorial grammars are context-free: Corrigendum
AR Plummer
Theoretical Computer Science 403 (2), 406-408, 2008
Sharing Speech Synthesis Software for Research and Education Within Low-Tech and Low-Resource Communities.
AR Plummer, ME Beckman
INTERSPEECH, 1618-1622, 2016
Examining the relationship between the interpretation of age and gender across languages.
AR Plummer, B Munson, L Menard, ME Beckman
Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics ICA2013 19 (1), 060080, 2013
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Articles 1–20