Paul Franz Testa
Paul Franz Testa
Assistant Professor of Political Science, Brown University
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Orientations toward conflict and the conditional effects of political disagreement
PF Testa, MV Hibbing, M Ritchie
The Journal of Politics 76 (3), 770-785, 2014
What gets rewarded? Legislative activity and constituency approval
T Sulkin, P Testa, K Usry
Political Research Quarterly 68 (4), 690-702, 2015
Pandemic policymaking in presidential federations: explaining subnational responses to COVID-19 in Brazil, Mexico, and the United States
C Bennouna, A Giraudy, E Moncada, E Rios, R Snyder, P Testa
Publius: The Journal of Federalism 51 (4), 570-600, 2021
Better government, better science: the promise of and challenges facing the evidence-informed policy movement
J Bowers, PF Testa
Annual Review of Political Science 22 (1), 521-542, 2019
The vicarious bases of perceived injustice
JJ Mondak, J Hurwitz, M Peffley, P Testa
American Journal of Political Science 61 (4), 804-819, 2017
Who stays at home? The politics of social distancing in Brazil, Mexico, and the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic
PF Testa, R Snyder, E Rios, E Moncada, A Giraudy, C Bennouna
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 46 (6), 929-958, 2021
Chapter 8 Using Field Experiments to Understand Information as an Antidote to Corruption
MS Winters, P Testa, MM Fredrickson
New advances in experimental research on corruption, 213-246, 2012
Seeing is believing: How video of police action affects criminal justice beliefs
P Testa, BJ Dietrich
Unpublished manuscript. Retrieved October 4, 2019, 2017
In party we trust? Voter support for party-backed candidates in primary elections
C Manento, PF Testa
Political Behavior 44 (4), 1633-1656, 2022
The bully pulpit, presidential speeches, and the shaping of public policy
KR Anderson, DH Carwell, EA Dudash-Buskirk, JA Edwards, PF Testa, ...
Lexington Books, 2015
Public preferences for new information on opioids
PF Testa, SL Moffitt, M Schenk
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 45 (2), 311-339, 2020
The politics of race and the criminal justice system
PF Testa
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2016
Getting the Message? Choice, Self-Selection, and the Efficacy of Social Movement Arguments
PF Testa, T Williams, K Britzman, MV Hibbing
Journal of Experimental Political Science 8 (3), 296-309, 2021
Messengers Matter: Why Advancing Gender Equity Requires Male Allies
T Williams, PF Testa, K Britzman, MV Hibbing
PS: Political Science & Politics 54 (3), 512-513, 2021
The Shape of Political Participation
J Bowers, P Testa
University of Illinois. Working Paper, 2012
The Personal Is Political
K Essel, M Schenk, P Testa
Pre-Analysis Plan for: Just the facts? How Self-Selection Conditions Efforts to Correct Misinformation about Immigration
P Testa
Question 2: Non-parametric Adjustment of an Observational Study
J Bowers, P Testa
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Articles 1–18