Müge Haseki
Cited by
Cited by
Let’s search together, but not too close! An analysis of communication and performance in collaborative information seeking
R González-Ibáńez, M Haseki, C Shah
Information Processing & Management 49 (5), 1165-1179, 2013
Anonymous communication: Unmasking findings across fields
CR Scott, SA Rains, M Haseki
Communication yearbook 35, 299-340, 2012
Networks, disrupted: Media use as an organizing mechanism for rebuilding
M Doerfel, M Haseki
New Media & Society, 2013
Time and space in collaborative information seeking: The clash of effectiveness and uniqueness
R González‐Ibáńez, M Haseki, C Shah
Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology …, 2012
Communicatively managing multiple, intersecting identities among immigrant women entrepreneurs
M Haseki, CR Scott, BM Gailliard
International Journal of Business Communication 58 (2), 282-303, 2021
Social media affordances to engage clients during the sales process: Sequential versus multiplex media use
MS Weber, M Haseki
International Journal of Electronic Commerce 25 (1), 73-98, 2021
Time as a trigger of interaction and collaboration in research teams: A diary study
M Haseki, C Shah, R González-Ibáńez
Proceedings of the ACM 2012 conference on Computer Supported Cooperative …, 2012
Communication, visibility, and the informal economy: A framework for future research
CR Scott, M Haseki
Management, society, and the informal economy, 42-59, 2015
Community networks as models to address connectivity gaps in underserved communities
L Gwaka, M Haseki, CS Yoo
Information Development 39 (3), 524-538, 2023
Understanding effects of time and proximity on collaboration: implications for technologies to support collaborative information seeking
R González-Ibáńez, M Haseki, C Shah
CHI'12 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1805-1810, 2012
Anonymous organizational communication
CR Scott, M Haseki, K Kang
The International Encyclopedia of Organizational Communication, 1-10, 2017
Anonymous Communication
CR Scott, SA Rains, M Haseki
Communication Yearbook 35 (13), 299, 13
A Method to Evaluate the Synergic Effect in Collaborative Information Seeking
R González-Ibáńez, C Shah, M Haseki
Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval (HCIR …, 2011
Communication and Identity Management by New York City's Immigrant Women Entrepreneurs
M Haseki, CR Scott
Stretching Boundaries: Cases in Organizational and Managerial Communication …, 2016
Communication media use, social networks, and identity management by immigrant women entrepreneurs in an urban economy
M Haseki
Rutgers University-Graduate School-New Brunswick, 2016
13 Anonymous Communication
CR Scott, SA Rains, M Haseki
Communication Yearbook 35, 299, 2012
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Articles 1–16